aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    lol well two people got it and I hope unsteady wont mind me posting what she said to me about finding it

    But I think I sent you a message. Now that I get it, it really would be easy to find...especially after all those hints.

    haha unsteady now you know why you were killing me right?
    thats the only part I can show without giving it away
  2. kumakun
    nervous about what? if you make one I'll post in it
  3. Bai Lan
    Bai Lan
    I am nervous as a whole I mean my nerves are on the edge but no worries I am not going to do something stupid or anything
    Well I will do the thread anyway and leave it be...after all the rest of my threads are dying slowly so he he
  4. Bai Lan
    Bai Lan
    ok i will rant a little hm...Kuma -chan you said there are 47 of us he he he Agent 47 (if you don't know that's Hitman - I guess that's what happens when you live with a boy...a brother who likes playing games)...then we were 46 (I don't know nothing about this number - stupid rant anyway). And now i saw we are 45, it looks like either one of us (or probably) were too shy to stay at the shy thinkers group, or we are too boring. I know i am for sure since I hadn't posted since the 15th page or something like that and missed the interesting talk about ER...ha ha ha Anyway, I guess I will leave now till the moment i will come back to rant again
  5. kumakun
    well I'm sad that ArtemisMS leaving if she did I really liked her...sigh I guess I just suck....goes back to her corner to cry
  6. nemine
    ah well, sometimes ppl just have to cut off couple groups. i've done that too.. i can't stay active on so many groups, and when i just see them there, and haven't posted in ages.. i feel kinda sad about it..
    and ooh dammit. i wanted to be hitman!
    hmnh is loveless making threads? o_O
    i wanna seeeee..
    and nuu don't cry kuma
  7. unsteady
    Thanks everybody!! I'm a ninja!! Yeah, Kuma I know I must have drove you crazier than I was, I was basically looking right at the answer, but just kept stumbling right by you!

    I'm also sad ArtemisMS left, now who will discuss Northern Exposure with me...

    @loveless_ar - If you make a thread post a link here for all of us!
  8. kumakun
    Iwas thinking about leavng here myself since its really only the 4 of us doing it now..no one else says anything and my stuff doesn't make sense...sigh I don't know I really liked having her here...I guess I'll just leave it open for new people and then come check in when I have a new thread or something

    unsteady..yes..you drove me crazy..you have no idea...I'm like hello!!!!!!!!!did you get my pm?
  9. nemine
    oh c'mon Kuma. in my two groups, i am the only one talking
    so don't leave >_>
    or.. does this mean you don't want to talk to us, huh?
    and this place still has maany members. but only a few ppl in the whole aarin remembers the groups.. it's still all new and all. or they are just too lazy to stop by
  10. kumakun
    they said they are shy so the read this but don't always say anything

    I love talking to everyone here but not if its going to mean people leaving..i wrecked things for everyone..sniff..
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