aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    It is still Christmas Eve here (its 11.20pm) and so I'm dropping by to say that wherever you are and whatever you believe I hope you all have a wonderfull Christmas, or a Happy Holiday xx
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Happy New Year!
    Hope all the shy/ thinkers out there are doing well and have a happy healthly 2012 in front of them! xx
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    You know what sheer bliss is? Watching Disney films, eating leftover chocolate yule log and petting a happy purring cat on your lap. And the cherry on top of all this good stuff - knowing that I dont have to go into work for the next two days! for days off!!
    And I may even go out tomorrow and spend money on buying myself a nice lunch ... and maybe more disney films. So far this evening I've watched Beauty and the Beast and I'm currently watching the Lion King. I still have Dumbo to watch from the little crop of three I bought for myself. I would really like to get Mulan on DVD, man I love that film, I'm off the opinion that right now classic Disney Rocks!!
  4. OreMo
    Hello Shy group! I just recently started to get back into Aarin and so much has changed! :O I noticed that I'm a member here and haven't posted yet since I joined(whenever that was?!), life sure gets crazy when time doesn't catch up with you! I can't believe I joined the forums seven years ago when I wasn't allowed at the time... but that's all in the past haha.
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello OreMo! Sorry for the late response! >.< I've been out of the forum as well for a good few months for no particular reason - just life got distracting. But I hope to be active again! ^^ Are you allowed in now~? ^^
  6. OreMo
    Haha yes of course, at the time you had to be eighteen/sixteen? I think to be a member and I was only 15 at the time. ^^;; I got distracted by life too and didn't notice the response until today. >,> I hope life is good with you Sio chan and anyone else here! I've had a good three days off of work thanks to labor day So during this time I've been catching up on reading new yaoi/shounen ai releases and my god it's going to take me forever And I do agree that Disney+chocolate+cats=sheer bliss!
  7. Cteel
  8. Cteel
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    *sneaks back in ... gets comfortable ... looks innocent*
    I've been here all the time! Of course I have *ahem*

    Firstly Hello Cteel - I am so sorry for the late reply!
    And Happy New Year all! 2013 is off with a blast. I hope everyone is happy and well xx

    You know whats weird? Whenever someone says '10 years ago' I immediately think of the 1990s, What do I make of that? Am I officially old now? and if last decade was the 'naughties' (how stupid does that sound?) then what are we in now? The 'tens'? hmm

    Does anyone else out there ever feel single? I know thats an odd question but - I'm single, I've always kind of been single, even including brief teen romances when I was younger which I don't really count. But lately I've started to really FEEL single. I was at a friends birthday night out just towards the end of the year and for a brief 10 mins I was sat all alone ... the couples where engaged with each other and I did'nt have anyone to talk too. I'm going out with my friends to the cinema - but they are a couple and then theres the third wheel - me. I've become the third wheel! I mean I've always been comfortable being alone, but its only recently that I've started to feel a bit ... lonely. I guess, I don't feel sad, I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me, and this isn't a cry for help or anything. I have a job that I love, a family that I'm close too and spend a lot of time with and friends that I care about and care about me. I have cats. And its only been coming on me the last few months that maybe I'm missing out on something. Does that make sense to anyone out there?

    I don't know if anyone still visits or read here but I miss my friends on the group - this is the group that let me become active on the forum. It would be nice to rekindle. love to all.
  10. Garyvdh241
    I can see it's been a while since someones posted here. Although, I'm still a newbie .
    @sio chan: I feel you! like really, really feel you. I guess everybody feels that way from time to time...
    BTW, how is everyone here? I would really like to have new friends... I'm so lonely~!!
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