aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I finally got to talk to someone I hadn't talked to in months yesterday! shes an arashi fan from canada who like went missing out of no where but now shes back and I'm super happy XD

    how did everyones holidays go?
  2. kumakun
    I finally got to talk to someone I hadn't talked to in months yesterday! shes an arashi fan from canada who like went missing out of no where but now shes back and I'm super happy XD

    how did everyones holidays go?
  3. kumakun
    I finally got to talk to someone I hadn't talked to in months yesterday! shes an arashi fan from canada who like went missing out of no where but now shes back and I'm super happy XD

    how did everyones holidays go?
  4. otokexnaru
    hi, i just joined and hope to make friends here, ne~♥
    @kumakun: that's great ^-^ actually for me, my holidays were alot of fun spent lots of time with family, old friends, my best friend and half-sister and now i'm completely drained and trying to recover, lol how was yours?
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thats good kuma ^^ My holidays where ok - seemed really busy but now that its all back to work stuff I want to be on holiday again ^^ How where yours?
    Hello and welcome otokexnaru! Really glad to meet you and I know you'll make lots of friends, I know what you mean about trying to recover sometimes I think we need a holiday after our holiday's just to ease back into regular live
  6. kumakun
    someone defriended me and I have no idea who it was..does that make me a bad person D: ?
    I feel like crap but this makes me laugh YouTube - OH MY GAH!
  7. otokexnaru
    thanks so much for the warm welcome, sio chan~ and yosh~ i'm glad that you can relate to my pain, lol ^-^ also thanks =3 i'm sure i'll be able to make lots of friends then

    also no worries, kumakun it's pretty reasonable to forget i actually pretty suck at remembering things myself ^^" so i don't think that you're a bad person ^-^
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello all again! I'm sorry I've not been around my computer hard drive died on me and it is now getting fixed but its having the knock on effect of meaning I have no internet at home - which is a pain! I'm hoping to get my computer back this week it is bizarre how isolated I feel without the internet! Goes to show how spoiled I've become that I consider internet access a basic living requirement >.<
    Hope your all well and that you feel better now Kuma - I wouldnt worry about the de-friend thing if you dont know who it is then that kinda suggests you wernt that close as friends and otokexnaru is correct it can be hard to keep up and remember everyone.
    :lovelovelove: to everyone and hope your all happy and things are going well for you all speak again soon *fingers crossed*
  9. kumakun
    haha I`m the same way when it comes to the net..I hate knowing that people are talking to me and I can't answer..or that I miss updates on things..I need my net..though lately I only stay on for like an hour since I only download stuffs and what not..I don't know what I'm talking about I feel like crap >.>

    lol yeah I know i'm not worried about the defriending thing..though I do kinda wanna know who it was..

    have a good week!
  10. mshehana
    Hey C: heh I used to be shy but I started taking an anti depressant. Though I'm not really shy anymore I just can't talk loud enough so people tend to ignore me. It makes me sad really :/ Though I am a HUGE thinker because I draw. Sometimes I just have random thoughts lol and end up doing silly things.
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