aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    hey there what's up? what kind of stuff are you into?
    feel free to talk about anything you want anytime ^^
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    mydyingwill!!! Glad to have you here ^^ Always nice to meet new people please feel free to talk about anything or join in our conversations - at the moment I'm applying for new jobs and I have an interview set in two weeks and I'm attempting to learn how to make Miso Soup (thanks for the video kuma xx) - I need to try and find bonito flakes if I'm really going to do it - I have sea weed already, maybe not the type in the video but I do have sea weed - I'm sure I can use it as a substute ^^
    Whats going on with you just now?
  3. kumakun
    yeah you can make miso with just about anything I think...I don't know if this was made up by fans or if it was actually in the naruto fan book but it's said that kakashis favorite is eggplant miso :/
    I feel like utter crap...so crappy that I'm not even going to watch arashi..imagine that o_O;

    you know what song I have in my head right now though? the one that the airborne people used to sing during the war...."gory gory what a hell of a way to die, gory gory what a hell of a way to die, gory gory what a hell of a way to die he ain't gonna jump no more~"

    I don't know what I'm doing right now...my brain just isn't here at all...I guess my brain went on vacation again due to the rainbows~
  4. kumakun
    can someone do me a favor and find me Ryusei no Kizuna english subbed where it has all the episodes to download? I'm having a hard time with it and its making me crazy >.>
  5. kumakun
    can someone do me a favor and find me Ryusei no Kizuna english subbed where it has all the episodes to download? I'm having a hard time with it and its making me crazy >.>
  6. faerie31
    Hi. I'm a new member here. Yeah, I'm a shy person... I'm facing a major problem which is... I can't talk to teenage boys or adult strangers. Strangely I don't have problems talking to little kids.
  7. faerie31
    Hi. I'm a new member here. Yeah, I'm a shy person... I'm facing a major problem which is... I can't talk to teenage boys or adult strangers. Strangely I don't have problems talking to little kids.
  8. faerie31
    btw, sorry for the double posting 'cause my computer's stuck and i accidently press 'post' again. :P
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm here, I'm back - sorry I've been a bit persona non grata for a few days - is it just me or has the layout of the social groups changed for the worse? Maybe I just need to get used to it again
    what is Ryusei no Kizuna? I've actually not heard of it >.> not surprising considering I know very little and what I do know I tend to forget just as quick ^^
    Hello faerie31 -always glad to meet new members Dont worry about the double post btw I think it was something that was happening with the forum at the time
    Anything we can do to help - I dont know how bad your problem is - I mean I dont know anything about your life and what your responsibilities are or how bad this problem is - I mean can you talk to adults once your comfortable around them? Feeling nervous and shy around strangers is completly normal but once you get to know them and start to feel comfortable around them it might get easier? And you cant talk to teenage boys - so does that mean you can talk to teenage girls? What happens when you try?
  10. kumakun
    no worries about double posting it happens sometimes ^^ I'm shy but loud so its a weird combo..plus I don't really hold back when I wannay say somethig :/ nice to meet you btw

    the new set up sucks but hopfully it will get fixed sometime soon...or next time they change it:/
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