aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Lioslaith
    Hi, I'm back. Lemme tell you I hate hospitals. Damn vampires. My arm still hurts from the blasted doctor drawing blood. Such a pain. I was condemned to bed rest by the time the ER doctor was through with me.
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    ouch! I'm sorry to hear that Lio! Are you ok? How long is the bed rest for? *huggles*
  3. Lioslaith
    Bed rest is done now. I'm good to go! (thumbs up) I'm a little tired but I'm doin' okay.
  4. kumakun
    at first I was like don't cop out and do dirty dancing but then she walked out with that watermellon and she got me T^T YouTube - Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough Dancing with the stars finale free style

    lol does anyone else remember that scene from dirty dancing? YouTube - Do You Love Me (The Contours) XD it feels like they sorta cheated by doing this but I don't care XD
  5. Lioslaith
    I didn't watch dirty dancing.
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    "I carried a watermelon"
    I love Dirty Dancing! Its like my favourite Chick Flick
    Tired and sniffling for some reason ... I had some sort of a sneezing attack during work today >.< the girl next to me started counting them ^^
    I posted my application so they've probably only received it through the post today (maybe not even till tomorrow ^^) so now I've got to hope and wait and ... well hope for an interview to come and that I do well at it *squee*
  7. kumakun
    I hope you get that job!I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all goes well!<3

    dirty dancing is classic and I love it...it makes me laugh when I see babys mom dancing at the end..I mean I think of her as emily gilmore now so it's like o_O; but I love it..sad seeing jerry though..I loved that guy T^T and patrick! I almost forgot about him o_O;

    Lio did you just not want to see it or ?
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I got a job interview ^^ Course Kuma you know this but just in case anyone else would like to know
    So how we all doing? Its snowing here! Course its also REALLY cold -4 last night meant to be -5 tonight ...
  9. kumakun
    next time we chat I`ll try not to watch arashi at the same time...clearly it distracts me....but it`s good to know for sure that my bones won`t dissolve if I drink only carbonated water.. though I knew that already XD
    here you go sio chan! YouTube - How To Make Miso Soup
  10. Mydyingwill
    Hello~! I'm new to the group... So hi!
Results 2861 to 2870 of 2934