aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    also you know whats funny... YouTube - Trick Touchdown American Football XD
    I love that one kid that was smart enough to catch on to what was happening and actually run after the guy XD
    I love seeing people do that~
  2. Lioslaith
    lol, I've never dreamed in subtitles before. I have dreamed in odd languages that didn't make sense though.
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    I dreamed in Hebrew once ... or at least I assumed it was Hebrew I didnt understand it and I didnt know why it was in Hebrew but somehow I just knew it was in Hebrew ^^ That was an odd moment waking up
  4. kumakun
    haha sio I think I've done that too..it is weird right..I think it probably had something to do with ncis and ziva?I dunno :/ lol today I had another arashi dream and again it was subtitled~ XD

    David from 1 girl 5 gays went to a party and the guy from cake boss was there? I love cake boss!and also David
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I love that your dreams come subtitled So I went to see Due Date today - it was ok not really as funny as I was expecting it to be but still not bad ... I dont want to go back to work ... in fact I'm really rebelling againt the notion I know my choice's just now are that or unemployment but still I really long for the day when I can just phone them and say that I'm not coming back - I'm having the daydream where I somehow get offered this really amazing job that pays really well and that starts in a week so I just phone the company and tell them exactly what they can do with their job :P its nice to dream
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prod prod*
    How we all doing today>?
    Had a union meeting today to discuss potential job cuts - joy of joys
    Its so COLD here!!! Frost, ice and everything
  7. kumakun
    I'm shitty...partially dislocated both of my shoulders and hurt my back
    I'd talk more in here but people aren't really interested in anything I have to say so I thought I'd just leave it
    are they cutting people who do your sort of job?
    I wish it was that cold here..its to warm >.>
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    WTF!!! How? Are you ok? - ok stupid question but ... seriously are you ok? I cant even imagine how much pain you must be in, I'm so sorry hun!! Are you going to physio? I can believe how bad that must be for you

    There not cutting anyone yet, right now if effiency savings and budget cuts and we dont know how its going to be portioned out but odds are it'll be coming our way in some form
  9. kumakun
    no Im not doing physio...sadly this isn't the first time this has happened >.> it's not so bad really..hurt worse when I fully dislocated them so I'm alright~

    hope everything works out for you and you get a new better job soon!
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Wow, I guess having it happen once before means that its easier to happen a second time? Still must hurt like a b*tch of a thing, I hope you feel better soon!
    I pulled my traipisium (spelling?) more than 4 yours ago and it still hurts sometimes I can imagine what a half/ full dislocation must be like >.<
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