aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I like me some good angst but lately there hasn't been very much that I've wanted to read :/
    I talked to the girl who wouldn't listen again..like the next day..I was like "ok I know you don't like me but if you do ever wanna talk we can always chat and no it's not about me getting to see pictures or not getting to see pictures" <- that will make sense to sio lol but anyways all the pictures were just from shows that I had seen anyways so it's not like she was showing me something I hadn't seen b4...kinda bugs me that she thinks thats the only reason I would have talked to her but whatever...she replied back saying ok that would be alright..only problem is that we've deleted each other off msn >_<; I think? I don't know..whatever~

    David hasn't posted anything lately so I'm like "hope hes still not sad DDDD:" like a freak..I dunno theres just something about him that makes me want to comfort him ya know? there are just some people I'm like that with and some that I'm not..he's like a kitten and I can't help it T^T

    sio I can't believe you like it..or maybe it gives you a laugh I don't know but lol theres no way anyone can "like it"....don't get sick again DDD:

    I'd like to be asleep now
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    I like the singing cause it makes me laugh
    I know I'm so pissed of that I'm sick again I think it might just be a secondary virus, I just feel so run down achey and have the upset stomache again But still I've got next week off so I just have to get through this week and thats me done!
  3. kumakun
    David wrote me back again XD XD XD XD but that will most likely be the last I talk to him unless he says something else that I feel the need to answer/talk about...also I totally just found out he loves the same candy as me...I love him and pocky even more XD

    I feel sick myself...fever soar throat and what not blah...but I'm happy you have next week off..what are you gonna do? did that girl ever get back to you?haha omg David is friends with the girl whos song I sang at you XD the life is a show one XD I'm giggly after seeing that candy picture..so close to leaving the poor man another message~

    I'm watching the last episode of golden girls..yes I love that show XD this one makes me sad T^T
  4. Lioslaith
    I'm as healthy as can be. I love pocky but my favorite candy is sour patch kids. My dad once got be a two pound bag of sour patch kids as an apology for pissing me off. I ate it in a few days days and for a week I couldn't eat or drink anything without it hurting my tongue. It was pretty funny cause he kept yelling at me to stop eating them but I couldn't help it! So he tried to hide the bag on me but I found 'em and kept sneakin' nibbles. He caught me with my hand in the bag and my mouth full. He was annoyed but he let me have the bag back but made fun of me until my mouth healed up. It's a really good memory for me. (grins)
  5. kumakun
    hahaha I've done the exact same thing and my dad tried to stop me too~ it does hurt doesn't it >_<; but I can't say no to them T^T

    New 1 girl 5 gays tonight~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. Lioslaith
    Ugh! It hurts like a *****! But it hurts so goood! T^T
  7. kumakun
    HAHALOL Not only is David stuck with me but so is JP XD it's weird to cause theres like 5 guys ahead of jp but I'm not messaging them:/ oh well whatever~ (JP 1 girl 5 gays)

    it does hurt T^T
  8. kumakun
    It's almost 7 am in the morning and I've basically stayed up watching arashi all night..well I was going to be awake and I had to do something so naturally it was arashi...anyways I watched a bit of their 5x10 concert XD and am now watching them flip pancakes on himitsu to win a girl a bed..I'm totally like this XD XD XD XD XD XD XD watching it..I have a feeling of this is so lame but I can't help myself..esp when sho is screaming that he can't do it XD arashi is goodtimes lol also the latest in the naruto manga is pretty good though most people I know have stopped reading/watching it...I'd talk about it but it wouldn't be nice of me to spoil it just incase one of you is watching/reading it...I guess the new bleach comes out in a few mins...gonna watch that too...waiting for two people to show up and help out~ XD
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    is back!!
    Sounds like your viewing fun kuma ^^
    I cant say I've ever experienced anything like tongue hurt from eating too many sweets but I can imagine it
    Gah I'm annoyed - I had a good night tonight went out for dinner, had a drink and then on the bus home this guy overhears my conversation leaps to the wrong conclusion and LECTURES me about what is the correct, polite 'pc' way to speak about certain things (his wording not mine), and its bugging me cause first of all:This guy doesnt know me - how dare he just assume that he knew what I meant and that he knew what I was talking about. Secondly he just assumed the absolute worse and butted in.
    I think whats really bugging me is that in hindsight I can see where he's coming from cause fair enough it wasnt exactly a 'pc' conversation but it didnt mean what he thought it did but I didnt defend myself cause it was 11.30pm and he was drunk its unlikely he would have listened and it would have taken too long. I would have to have describe in detail my own life experience and explain what I meant by certain comments in that context which my friend already knew and GARGH (thats my annoyed noise)
    I dont go out to offend people and I dont like feeling like I have offended someone but I dont like being misunderstood either >.< Its just bugging me and I cant get it out of my head and I feel like its overshadowed my night out.
    I think what really bothers me is the feeling that I gave someone the opportunity to think the worse about me, but why should I have to censure myself when speaking to friends in order to please the pc patrol and why should I care what a drunk on the bus thinks about me?! GARGH!
  10. kumakun
    reading about what happened with you and that guy reminds me of the fight I had...it still sorta bothers me>.>

    I don't go out to offend anyone either and I don't like the feeling of it and being misunderstood sucks cause you know the person is thinking the wrong thing >.>

    now when I get mad I go "think happy thoughts" and its mary martin from peterpan lol Loved that when I was little and I still do...I wanna fly...ARASHI! nope I didn't fly T^T

    lol today I got 3 hours sleep and 4 out of the 5 members of arashi were in it XD they didn't speck english but I knew what they were saying and at one point when jun talked it came out in subtitles XD that happens alot when I have dreams with japanese people in it..I think it's funny that the subtitles were in purple (juns color) and hes the only one that had subtitles..yet I understood nino and ohno :/ well ohno doesn't do alot of talking so can't say that I'm surprised that I understood what he was saying when he did talk..also he was dressed as his kaibutsu-kun character XD
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