aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I have never felt so ****ing low and I can`t get it out of my head.
  2. Lioslaith
    Sio-That would have been funny but Wednesday had to be one of the most embarrassing days of my life so far. Not only had my dastardly sister told them I was shy she told them they had to break me out of my shell by force which was horrifying! And she told them to help her find me a guy! They sat me there and forced me to list exactly what I was looking for in a guy! It was horrible! I was so close to just murdering her right there.

    Kuma-I don't think you're fake and appreciate when you come in, it's always nice to talk to you. I always lick my food even when I'm not sick. What's wrong? What can't you get out of your head?
  3. kumakun
    Lio-they wouldn`t let you get away?

    and um someone had a misunderstanding with me and like went out their way to not fix it and it bothered me cause they wouldn`t even try to listen..I mean there is actually proof of what I was saying but the person wouldn`t even consider that they might be wrong..I`m not saying I`m always right but that person wouldn`t give me a chance and I don`t even understand fully what happened cause it didn`t make sense. ..theres a more to it but I think I should shut up about it before it gets me into more trouble don't worry sio helped me out though!

    also david from 1 girl 5 gays wrote me back and I've been fangirling ever since XD<3
  4. kumakun
    sio chan I think I told you about this but for those of you who don`t know my grandma died in aug and I ya know wrote a little letter and stuck it in there and I said for her to leave a penny if she comes around but then I thought well a penny ...that happens all the time so I put 3 pennys in with the letter and said leave three pennys and I'll know its you..and ever since I keep finding pennys in groups of three..but just a minute a go I was in the living room that I had cleaned earlier sitting on the couch and looked down and saw three pennies in a perfect triangle..now I'm the only one here so I know someone else didn't do it and I know it was clean there from b4...that was kinda nice ^^
    don't know if you guys believe in that sort of thing but I firmly do~
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I hate it when people ask me what I look for in a guy, cause I dont have any idea! I just meet someone and if I like them then I like them, if I dont then I dont I dont have a set type does anyone?
    How was the rest of the day other than that>? Did you at least have a good day otherwise?
    Kuma I hope your feeling better and not thinking about the things that where said, I'm not sure what I believe in but I do think its really nice that you have a way to stay connected to your Gran, and that sounds like really compelling evidence that your Gran is still with you and is letting you know that she's there for you *huggles*

    I'm gorging myself on popcorn - dont know why but I cant stop eating it!
  6. kumakun
    I`like people I can learn from in some way..like oh I didn't know that happened or I've never heard of this b4 lets try it or whatever ..know what I mean? and sane people..I like sane people. but mostly I just like who I like when I like them~

    I was feeling better..it comes and goes right...its all fine and then someone will say something and I'll be like I don't know how to answer this incase someone reads it wrong..talking in real life you can explain it and show the person but on here its like some people get stuck thinking something that isn't right and won't even look into it. blah.
    yeah maybe she is..I mean who really knows but it does seem that way :/
    how are you doing? you lost someone too and I haven't asked in awhile

    I'm gorging myself on 1 girl 5 gays~
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm a little tipsy, though not nearly as bad as I shoud be turns out 7 vodka jelly shots with a pint of Cider another voda mix and 3 beers just doesnt have the same effect as it used too ... course I may be sick tomorrow and I have bagels, I dont know why but I walked in the house with bagels, I vaguely remember taking said bagels from party but I dont remember why I took them, but it seemed like a good idea.

    I'm a Vampire!!!! *RAWR*

    I'm up and other than feeling a little tired I feel fine - course the stupid fake blood I used to be a vampire last night wont come off properly >.< I washed my face with cleanser and make up remover and I still have a red stain around my mouth!
  8. kumakun
    lol sio<3 the bagels are a money saver atleast..dunno why you took them but at least you don't have to go buy them..or maybe you thought you might want them later?

    ok I have lost my mind D: david from 1 girl 5 gays said he was having a shitty day and wanted to know if there was something on youtube that would for sure cheer him up and I was all like DDDDDDDDDD: can't think of anything!!!!!! cause like when I'm sad I watch arashi.. I can't be sad and watch arashi but it's not like he would understand that so I had nothing...so I left him a message about something else XD lol but in the back of my mind I was like TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR PENIS!!!!!!!!! cause he seems to like to do that...
    lol in the last epsiode the guys were in drag and I wanted to do their make up and hair so bad it wasn't even funny! I wanted to make them pretty!!!!!

    what do you guys do when your down?

    rant about it to everyone and make them crazy which isn't the best idea but I can't seem to stop myself even though in the back of my mind I'm like "just ****ing shut up already" >.>
    arashi music XD
    1 girl 5 gays
    marathon an anime series or some other show...I think golden girls is hilarious<3
    oh and sometimes when I'm down I sing really really badly at sio-chan for some unknown reason XD
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I like the singing ^^ Yeah I have no idea why I took them ... but I had two bagels in my possesion, I think just the two is much of a money saver though I've eaten both of them now Had them toasted added some toppings and that makes dinner
    When I'm down I tend to: eat, read manga watch Movies or sci-fi TV shows

    I cant believe this but I think I'm coming down with something again!! I only just got over my plague was feeling all nice and healthy again for all of a day and then last night I was feeling ick ick and icky and then woke up this morning and urrgh I drag myself to work again I dont want to get sick all the time or at least have some time in between the bouts of illness
  10. Lioslaith
    When I'm down I read angst. It makes me feel better about my own life cause then I can think "Well at least that didn't happen to me."
    Kuma-I believe in stuff like that. Freaks me out to. There is nothing I fear more than ghosts. Terrifies the crap outta me.
    I know people that refuse to believe that they're ever wrong. Annoy me to no end. And no they would not let me get away. They thought it was funny. (pouts)
    Sio-They kept asking so I just made **** up. How the hell should I know what I want? I'll be happy so long as he doesn't have tons of back hair. That's gross.
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