aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Rainbow Girls are the young version of Brownies, I used to be a rainbow then I was a brownie before I left to join the Scouts at 12 instead of joining the Guides I hope she enjoys it!
    I guess your brothers asking for help? That can only be a good thing if it makes him feel better? If you miss her call her, maybe she's just waiting for the invitation? *hugs*
    I'm not well I woke up this morning absolutly loaded with a head cold and cough ... so I went back to sleep and got up after 1pm and I still feel lousy I didnt want to think to hard to talk to anyone but my Mum comes up to re-seal the bathtub again and re-affix tiles so now the flat smells of chemicals again I need to work tomorrow and I dont know if I'm going to be fit for it but that wont stop me from having to go into work - I'm under orders
  2. Lioslaith
    Ouch that sucks! Try some hot cocoa, that always makes me feel good. Some warm tea would do you some good too. DayQuil or Tylenol would probably get rid of the headache. I'm sure the smell of chemicals isn't helping you much either.

    My twin is going to collage but due to my illness I'm not allowed to exert myself in any way. So she's meeting all these new people and making friends and she wants me to find a boyfriend! She told me she's gonna kidnap me and bring me to school with her so I can meet her friends...I have no idea what to do!! I'm so nervous! I haven't been on a date since I was fourteen! Not to mention that it was a school dance! I have no idea how to meet new people and I'm FREAKIN' OUT man! I've never even had my first kiss!! NGGYYYYAAAAAHHH!! What do I DO?!
  3. Lioslaith
    Oh! I just thought of something! You should try aroma therapy! It's actually really relaxing and soothes headaches and reduces stress! A warm bubble bath could really clear out your lungs too.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    I love Aromatherapy - I'm learning about it in my night classes for Holistic Therapies ^^
    Theres no harm in going on and just enjoying yourself think making friends, there your sisters friends so there already disposed to like you and they can be your friends too - dont go out thinking you have to hit it off with some guy and force the boyfriend issue, you'll end up stressing yourself out and not have any fun, if you meet someone you like then great just try to relax and let things pan out as they will some of the best moments happen when you just go with the flow ^^

    Today at work was not fun! I felt awfull and kept having to go the bathroom cause I had a really upset stomache and had to throw up a couple of times in between dizzy spells and coughing fits - the really vindictive side of me hopes I infect everyone else with whatever the hell I have while the more compassionate side of me says that I wouldnt wish this on anyone!
  5. kumakun
    I wrote to david from 1 girl 5 days XD I love that guy!
  6. Lioslaith
    Nah, see the thing about my sister is that she knows I'm not really going with her to find a boyfriend so she's going to try and get her friends to ask me out. That's what's got me panicking. She's done it before.

    (laughs) I always think vindictively. I used to force myself to school when I was sick just so I could give it to someone else and they would suffer too. I always had a specific target too and they knew it. Mwahahaha!
  7. kumakun
    hey guys if you want points and have a signature here on aarin go here http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f286/t...veaway-p5.html
    and make a post~
  8. kumakun
    I am not fake and am deeply hurt that people think I am..just wanted you guys to know that even though I'm not always around when I do talk I mean what I say.
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I dont think your fake and I dont think anyone else here thinks you are either, you have stuff going on so you cant always hang out on the forum thats not a problem we appreciate you being here when you can *hugs*
    I dont know about vindictive but I did spend a large part of yesterday telling people to leave me alone otherwise I would lick them to ensure they caught whatever I had >.< I'm not quite so plague ridden today but so tired and ache all over that its hard to feel like I'm actually getting better
    If any of her friends ask you out say yes to all of them and ask them to fight for you lio - might made for an entertaining use of time :P
  10. kumakun
    lol sio saying you`d lick them sounds alot like what I would have done..but really I just licked my food cause the people kept eating..worked though..sorry to hear you still sick and tired

    haha sio thats a good plan...just hope the competetion to win doesn`t get out of hand o_O;
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