aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Lioslaith
    Wow that sounds like it sucked. Hope his hand gets better!

    I have chronic fatigue so it doesn't really matter how much sleep I get I'll always be tired. Pain in the ass really, it's all so irritating. I also lost my floppy with my book on it! Ugh, I'll never get published if my room keeps swallowing my stuff!

    I'm hand-stitching a kimono for Halloween this year!! It'll be so awesome I'll be the envy of my anime club! I can hardly wait to show it to my sister! She's gonna love it! I'm thinking of making her one for our birthday! I'm not too sure about what kind of pattern to get on it though...If our baby sister likes what I do I'm also thinking of making her one too for when her birthday rolls around in the summer! What do you guys think?
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    My Dad is doing well - hes home and resting, will need to stay indoor for the next 4-6 weeks very limited walks and he gets tired easy but still he's healing well and thats all we can expect for now ^^
    So I've cleaned my bathroom, my kitchen and living room - Someone's coming to view the spare room tomorrow and I'm still not certain but I'm open to having a room mate ... sorta, I'm so used to living alone now it's going to be wierd having someone else here again ^^
    I'm majorly impressed with your skills! You can hand stitch Kimnono's thats great! I think any pattern you go for will look wonderfull, I'm sure everyone will really like it You'll find it again, if your room swallowed your disk then it must still be there in the belly of the beast so to speak ^^ Just have to keep looking for it - or do you keep copies of it on your hard drive? Even earlier draft would be better than nowt
  3. Lioslaith
    Thanks. (blushes a little) I actually used to make a majority of my baby sister's stuffed animals because we couldn't afford to get store bought ones. I know how to hand stitch a lot of things but it gets tiring and takes a long time to do if you want to do it right. It's a useful skill and I feel kinda proud sometimes that I'm the only one in the house that can patch up our clothes. It makes me feel useful.

    The thing about my floppy is is I save it to the floppy so I DON'T lose it. (sighs)

    Hope you get a roommate you like and I'm glad your dad is fine.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    You've got a talant thats both creative and usefull - thats something to be proud of ^^ I maintain you'll find the floppy disc if its in your room it'll be there some where
    My Dad is doing well thank you, he just needs to learn how to relax he keeps pushing himself to do things that he's just not physically fit for yet
  5. Lioslaith
    I understand. My dad is the same way. He's 52% cripple but he's always pushing himself. I sometimes forget that he's not the strong gladiator I always thought he was as a child. It's so strange seeing him grow older. I look at him now and I always see the huge man that used to carry me when I was hurt or play fight with me. He used to be so strong.
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Its always odd to realise that your parents are getting older, but thats just part of life its happening to us too I'm sure that the parents are looking at us and wondering what happened to the little girl who used to live for playing with her 'my little pony' dolls (I had a pony obsession) and who used to love going for a walk in the park with me to play on the swings? (I still play on the swings but I dont go for walks anymore ^^) Its this whole deal with ageing happens to the best of us
    For me it wasnt realising that my parents are getting older I found it increadably hard to realise that their human, with all the faults of a 'normal' person, I mean growing up and in my head, my parents didnt make mistakes everything they did was right, in my head they always knew what to do and how to behave and how to deal with things I always thought of them as being, for lack of a better word, perfect. Of course their not, no one is but I just didnt realise that until it got to my later teenage years and I started to have opinions about things on my own and that I started questioning the world around me that I started to notice their faults and it was really wierd but you get over it and it allowed me to start appreciating them as people that I could be friends with as well as being related too
  7. Lioslaith
    My parents have always been human to me but my dad was always my hero. I'd see everything he went through and all the suffering and hard work he did to support us and he was always my unbeatable hero. I remember that when Diego kidnapped my brother and I he did everything he could to save us. He spent his life savings to hire a detective to find us and hired a great lawyer to get custody of us. He's always been amazing to me. My best friend since I was nine and my hero since I was seven. Nobody in our family is well and he puts up with so much **** it's amazing he still functions. He'll always be my best friend and hero.
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I would agree he sounds amazing! It sounds like youve had a hell of a time and your Dad has always been there for you, he sounds like a hero to me too
  9. Lioslaith
    (grins) I'm proud of him. Drives me nuts sometimes but I love him to death.
  10. Lioslaith
    Ugh, my brother just got back from the hospital and already he's up to his old ****. I knew he was faking but nobody believes me. He's emotionally unstable not crazy! There's a difference. I wanna strangle him sometimes. If I didn't love him I'd drown him in a river.

    My baby sister's joined something called Rainbow Girls. I guess they're kinda like girl scouts or something...Not too sure. All I know is I get the tv all to myself a few hours on the weekends and she's really excited and happy.

    My twin's all mopey cause her boyfriend is off on some military thing. He's in Wisconsin for a training thing. She's lonely but she never comes to visit unless I call. (shakes head) I miss having her around.
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