aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Lioslaith
    Y'know some of the shows on there remind me of the spanish soaps my grandmother watches. I can't understand what the hell is wrong with them and everybody is sleeping with everyone else.
  2. kumakun
    I never watched mtv..never had a reason too..our music channel is much music which plays 24 hours a day and is pretty much all music..the odd show gets thrown in but it's otherwise all music or music related.

    the only things I watch mtv for is 1 girl 5 gays, teen mom and jersey shore....lol they are so stupid it kills me!
  3. Lioslaith
    Ugh, I know what you mean. People in the city are like that too! I live in a small village that isn't even on most maps and it is way more sane here than in the city.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prod prod prod prod* So my life in a nut shell: Work is still threatening me unless I get my call times faster, my Dad went into hospital for his second hip replacement surgery (its tomorrow at 1pm) I'm still not getting any interviews for new jobs and I've started Christmas shopping today
  5. kumakun
    sorry haven`t been around much lately
    Hope your dads operation goes well
    with a stick! hit them with a stick!
    give me your addy in an e-mail I might send you something and it starts with a p XD lol
  6. kumakun
    lol I was just watching a glee interview thing and the guy that plays will was saying how the girl that played kelly on saved by the bell did it for him and that the theme song is his favorite lol I dunno but it made me laugh....I wonder if he remembers that saved by the bell had a glee club..I seriously want to ask him that~
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    lol maybe not a stick but I'm starting to consider the compass idea ^^ it was weird in work today, I took a big of a funny turn, I think it was an aftershock of a migraine but I was dizzy and seeing double and suddenly couldnt lift my fingers to type cause they felt so heavy, and the lights hurt my eyes and the sound of the phones actually made be flinch cause they sounded so loud it hurt! ... it lasted for about 45 mins and I got very little work done during that time >.>
    The op went well thank you!!! I saw him last night, phoned the hospital after his op this afternoon during my tea break (cause the overlords wouldnt give me time off) and I saw him tonight after work and he looks well, even with the drips and stuff he doesnt seem as drugged up as last time and he seemed in a pretty good mood so that was good, I'm going to see him again on Thursday and Friday he should be home on Saturday then its physiotherapy and RnR in spades for him ^^
    I'm loving Glee all over again, I missed a few episodes and I'm really quite enjoying the re-runs that are on TV just now which one was Kelly again?
    *love to the shy thinkers*
  8. kumakun
    good to hear things went well and that hes in good shape
    yeah my mom gets the exact same sort of headaches..sometimes she ends up in the hosp with an iv..that`s actually happened to me a few times too..though the one time they gave my a shot and I`m telling you my poster on the wall talked to me =_= ; like I didn`t hear voices or anything it just looked like his mouth was moving o_O;

    omg I was so chatty earlier today and I don`t know why..I was saying every little thing that came into my mind..and my messages to people got so long that I had to cut them in half..I sorta feel bad for the poor people who got my messagesT^T

    kelly was the cheerleader with the brown hair..she married zack..also she was on 90210~
  9. Lioslaith
    Glad your dad's okay Sio. I keep falling asleep randomly and I scared the crap outta my dad and poor sister. I just sorta passed out an they panicked a little. It took a while to convince them I was only tired.
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thanks guys! Got a bit of a fright yesterday cause he had to get a blood transfusion and the drip in his hand pulled out during the night so his hand is all bandaged now as well, but saw him today and he's ok gets tired out really quick but he's been told he'll be out of hospital tomorrow So its a day early but he's still under orders Phsyio and lots of RnR - hes not to push himself too hard.
    Lio - sounds kinds scary! I would have freaked out if I saw someone just pass out asleep, must need to rest more
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