aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Lioslaith
    I've only suffer sloth and wrath and they don't like working together...It's weird being too lazy to take my revenge. I get pissed but give up cause killing them takes too much work.
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    yeah, I'm a fan of all seven ^^ they lead to all manner of fun and interesting activities
  3. Lioslaith
    (laughs) I suppose so.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    well think about it, the seven sins when you dont take them to extreams can actually be good for you, in the same way that too much of a good thing can be bad, so in no particular order my thoughts on the seven sins and how they can be good things;

    1. wrath: anger - Being angry with someone because they've done something, anger can lead to punishment, and so long as the punishment is fit to the crime then this is justice.

    2. greed: the desire to accumulate or accquire, isint a little greed otherwise known as ambition? You want to push yourself harder to gain something, to achieve something ... I know that people can take it too far and try to accumulate more than they deserve or can reasonably use in their life times but thats human nature and without a little greed how would you ever push yourself to get anything?

    3. sloth: Sleeping in on weekends, spending the day in your pj's and watching movies, relaxing in a bath and ignoring the world for a little while, lazing about with your friends over a cup of coffee and doing nothing , essentially giving yourself some 'me time' that can only be good for your soul, so long as you dont do it every day it can only be good for your soul to appeciate the amazing'ness of doing nothing ^^

    4. pride: knowing that you've done something well, enjoying and taking pleasure in your accomplishments, I mean what are awards/ certificates if not a celebration of pride. Taking pride in your work means that you work hard to achieve it, getting recognition for it encourages you to keep trying, to keep either improving or maintaining a high level.

    5. lust: otherwise known as sexual/ physical attraction or stong desire in general ... so where would we be without attraction - I know its shallow, but if you dont fancy someone then you dont want to go out with them, you dont want to 'be' with them in a physical sense, I know that whole 'lust at first sight thing' is just biological and it fades once you actually get to know the person but love and lust are so closely linked I mean procreation needs aside would anyone really be happy not having an attraction to their partner? Desire is a powerfull emotion, it makes you want/ encourages you to pursue.

    6. envy: in a small sense its jeolously but its a lot more powerfull than that its being jealous and resenting someone else for what they have whilst at the same time coveting the things they have for yourself ... now this is a hard one to sell but bear with me ... being envious of someone can show you what it is you really want and encourage you to work harder to earn something simular for yourself, it doesnt necessarly have to be the 'same' thing its comparison and, in small doses, comparing yourself to someone else can force you to realise the areas of your life you want to improve

    7. gluttony: now this is fairly closely linked to greed, only its considered more of an over-indulgance or simply taking pleasure in the food and drink you consume now this is double edged sword but so long as we are not withholding food from the needy, and arent willfully wasting food then .. whats wrong with taking pleasure in food? We are lucky enough to live in a society/ part of the world where we have enough to eat and plently to drink. More likely than not its a social thing where we are eating/ drinking with our families talking about our day or sharing time with our friends and taking pleasure in their company whilst eating. I mean its a basic, and very important, living requirement to eat and if you take pleasure in what your eating and enjoy food, then from my perspective that seems like a healthy relationship with food, less likely to develope eating disorders.

    And thats it ^^ I thought I'd share some thinking with the shy thinkers group :P
  5. Lioslaith
    (laughs) You're very profound. I don't put more thought into anything than is necessary...unless of course I've gotten so bored there's nothing left but to think.
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I wouldnt say profound so much as just really willing to rant about subjects ... If its something that I have even borderline interest and knowledge of, then I am very willing to discuss/ rant about it ^^ and we seemed to be on a seven sin kick and I'm sort of into theological discussions regarding moral and ethical rights so I went for it on a completly unrelated note ... My right hand has mysteriously swollen up, its significantly larger than my left and my wrist and fingers really hurt - perplexing
  7. kumakun
    sio sorry to hear you're hurting again? my left side is all ****ed up so I'm with you~

    anyways just stopped by cause I was watching jersery shore and after I decided to watch mtv which I never watch but they were doing an interview with ronnie so..yeah...anyways they started talking about how japan bought mtv and how what they say would be translated weird XD XD they translated a little bit and it killed me..I love it! also this is mtv canada that I'm talking about....is this what canadians do...sit around and try to translate things into japanese then back to english to get a laugh? I guess I'm just happy I'm not the only one \(^_~)v
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I've been watching a few of the episodes from the Miami series, its just as daft as the original ones, I think MTV UK have only shown upto the first 3 or four episodes and I've seen 2 so far. I've gotton to the one where the girls write Sam an 'anyonomous' letter, they've left it in her drawer and now I wait till the next episode *bum bum dum* Dramatic music ^^
    Yours sounds so much worse than mine!!! Its really just my right hand and wrist but your entire left side?> That sucks!! Hope you feel better soon
  9. Lioslaith
    Wow, looks like I'm not the only medical mess around. I popped my hip again and had to pop it back into place which is always painful. My shoulder did the same thing and then I couldn't move my arm for a few hours cause popping it back in hurt a lot. I hate it when that happens. My chronic fatigue started acting up again and I ended up sleeping 14 hours and woke up just as exhausted as when I went to sleep.

    Those shows sound kinda funny. I don't like MTV. I find it boring and kinda pathetic...sorry. There's not even music on it anymore...
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    No I agree, I remember when MTV used to show music ... am I really that old? But now its all made for MTV movies, TV shows and reality TV shows some of which are so bad their good ... Jersay Shore is just madness, the people on it are just insane and if it wasnt funny it would be sad
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