aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    Fake blood is an art !笑Mo , inasmuch as it is for me anyway
    The way in which our arms linked and sometimes four or five ... Dekimasunai live in the middle of it you can do to walk ~
    gif Ninos has no sex scenes look , I never want to see it again .. my vacation in the brain ... It's not like you until I liked Aiba , his sex scandle ... I do not care that he has it right > to do is not looking . >
    Jun- DOS mode, you look kinda hot ... man , that I > is offensive . > a
    Sho Sho ... also beat DOS Jun sweater , sweater he would ... If I win , my brain is seriously someone > must know how . > Experimental Psychology also really cute ... now I love them and their rainbow of mind!
    They have new music video , please stop it already is like a rainbow , and the T ^ T please the

    I have something in the mail today ... I chose Jiraiya ukitakes I really really do not remember the reason for the cause , Sarubianaruto , uraharas hats, or stuffedæ–©é*„of rukias is : /

    Oh, I still exchange the way ... So I'm sure if you mix * benefits * you nod and win
  2. kumakun
    Just so everyone knows I copied what I said the first time then changed my language to japanese and pasted it...thats what it looks like....I don't know I just like to see how things trasnlate sometimes XD once in a weather report it said "the road is slippery like chinese noddles" XD

    I love that my brain is on vacation and man , that I > is offensive . |now I love them and their rainbow of mind!
    Oh, I still exchange the way ... So I'm sure if you mix * benefits * you nod and win
    ^wow ok did that trasnlate to me offering *benefits*? and I like how its so easy to pay me...all you have to do is nod and ya win me..wtf wtf wtf XD XD XD

    makes me laugh..oh how I love the traslater~rainbow of mind indeedXD
  3. Jasper
    Lolz! That made me laugh -giggles- I have a question to, If your bf (gf if you will) Is not talking to you and is like avoding you and stuff, does it mean you either did something wrong, or they are saying its over, And or saying they are cheating? or something compeletly different?
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ok the translation is freaking hilarous! the "Experimental Psychology also really cute ... now I love them and their rainbow of mind!" was the line that killed me when I read it first ^^ so is that English to Japanese then back to English? It does seem to read as though your offering *benefits* XD you definatly win for staying awake longest which kind of sucks, be nice for you to get a break from it for a while *huggles*

    @Jasper - hmmm thats a tricky situation, I mean every situation is different and people are all different but you shouldnt jump to conclusions sometimes things arent always the worse case you know?
    When did he start not talking to you or avoiding you? Did something happen between you guys around that time? If not then you definatly havent done anything for them to be pissed at, so that leaves the other options ... I wouldnt think cheating - in my experience if that was the case then they wouldnt be avoiding you, they'd be trying to maintain a 'normal' relationship so that you dont get suspisious it might take them longer to reply to your messages or call you back but they would still do it and they would come to all pre-arranged dates and (again in my experience) be unusually nice to you when you are together cause their compensating for the guilt ... I've been cheated on (a VERY long time ago, I was 17 it wasnt really a big deal - I didnt really care about what the guy did but I did take issue with who he was doing it with - but I've already had this rant ... in this group I think ^^) and so this is all just in my experience so I cant say for sure.
    Do you have any friends in common - thats usually the easiest way to find out whats going on cause sometimes they know things that they dont really want to tell either out of loyalty or because they dont want to be the messanger but they can still give you a hint with their attitude.
    Hmmm tricky all round cause if they dont talk to you, its so easy to build things up in your head as being much worse then they are, in my opinion its the not knowing that's the hardest! - hope things work out well for you hun and let us know how you get on!!
  5. kumakun
    sio this is what you said to me translated to japanese and then back to english XD

    56 minutes at 3:00 pm today - permalinksio chan
    [OK] The translation is a variant hilarous ! " really cute ... now I love psychology experiment that rainbow of my heart! "I was the first line because it killed me ^ ^ Read , What is English Japanese to English again ? It provides benefits * * You like your kind definitely going to suck you up good for a while , a break from it XD * win or stay seem to get read huggles *

    lol omg that sounds so dirty! " You like your kind definitely going to suck you up good for a while , a break from it XD " lol wtf~ also I love how it went from rainbow of the mind to rainbow of the heart XD

    Jasper how long have you known the person? some crazy people like me tend to just pull back and do their own thing when they feel like it..I warn people I'm like that so they don't think the wrong thing cause it's hardly ever anything the other person said or did..it's part of my personality sadly
    I guess the only thing you can really do is ask?

    and I got the Jiraiya plushie!
  6. Jasper
    Iv known him for alomst 3 years and been dating himfor like 11monts and he hasnt talked to me in about almost a month and yea my best friend is his friend and she called me today and told me what he told her about a week ago she told me that he said i didnt do anything wrong but he likes this chick and not me because I cant have kids -.- this is all about ****ing kids! Well ima tell im tomarw thatits not my fault i am who i am and dont have all the right parts to do what he wants but im also not at his contorl, just because i cant get preg doesnt mean im some piece of trash that you can mess with and then throw away >:T **** him!
  7. kumakun
    oh I feel bad for you and for him..I mean he must feel bad about it too or else I think he might have told you sooner..maybe? I mean I don't know the guy but that was my first thought...though he should have done some serious thinking about what he wanted for the future b4 getting into a relationship...that's really not fair to you at all
  8. Jasper
    I never thought id ever say thisbut he doesnt deserve me >:T
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Jasper hun I'm so sorry! Your right he doesnt deserve you, after all that time together he should have had basic commen decency and respect to talk to you about this, to tell you what was going on, the fact that he didnt - that was low.
  10. kumakun
    sio I am stalking you.

    not as bad as it sounds its just she keeps posting and I`m following it but again not my fault since I made this group and everything comes to my inbox
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