aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Lioslaith
    I don't mind the shortening of my name. (grins) Hope ya don' mind me callin' ya Sio though.
    I really can't imagine handling phones at all as a job. I'd be so fired. Onemanga was shut down I think, but mangafox kinda sucks for doujinshi. They only really have a few and not the ones I'm lookin' for.
    I dance like a epileptic havin' a seizure. Ma's tryin' ta teach me the tango and marenge(I don't even know if that's how you spell it) though.
    (glomps all) I don't mind virtual hugs but real hugs freak me out. I don't like people touchin' me. My best friend loves randomly glomping me though so I don't automatically lash out now so I'm not as bad as before! (grins)
  2. Jasper
    Have you tryed animefreak? it has alots of books and u dont have to sign up or anything.

    I dnt like it when peple surprise hug me o.o that scares me half to death! Lolz
  3. Lioslaith
    Really? I thought that was just for videos only. Huh. I'll give it a shot. Thanks Jasper!

    I know what you mean! I hate surprises and I don't like touchin' so both of them together piss me off pretty badly.
  4. Jasper
    your welcome ^-^

    Yea people know i dont like surprises but they surprise me anyway, It makes me really mad >:I
  5. kumakun
    alot of people post ask for things like that so I'm just lettin ya know that if you want the points I'll give them.
    my spelling is all over the damn place isn't it..oh well it's 4 am can't hope for much from me at this time~
    sio *insert t* emoticon XD) I don't like nino anymore and am kinda drawn to jun please talk me out of that T^T
    btw everyone you can call me kuma/kayte if you want..some people have actually called me bearkun so if I see that it's me your talking to I'll answer..for the most part...I've been a real snot lately.

    Where's dear robee at? hope work isn't getting him down.

    I want my peeps back T^T

    Back in high school I meant this girl who would always hug and cling off of me..it drove me crazy at first and I'm pretty sure I said I'd hurt her if she didn't knock it off somewhere along the way..she was a new friend of my old friend so thats why we were even around each other lol but half way through grade nine she won me over and I turned it to a touchy person myself..like arm around the shoulder or linked arms or whatever..never took it to her level of touchy...except with famous people..I don't tend to hold back with them...poor people :/ anyways I didn't like it but got used to it and now do it too...that was long winded please don't mind me I'm weird today >.>

    I never answered the favorite book question....mine is catcher in the rye..I used to get into trouble in english class cause my teacher said I wrote like the main character lol at one point he said I was "deep dark and depressing" but that's the way I write and talk so to damn bad live with it.

    my science teacher once had to cut metle out of my finger with a scaple..yep random story but I thought of it while I was typing so there ya go...ya get what ya get~
  6. Lioslaith
    My old teacher loved my stories. She said I was very creative in my gore. (grins) I'm a pretty depressing writer myself although that probably comes from my love of all things horror. I can write happy **** I just like focusing on blood and creepy stuff more.
  7. Jasper
    I can't write horror stoires >.< But i love them to death! Lmfao
  8. kumakun
    I can't write horror stories or read them or watch them unless you count criminal minds which I am actually watching right now...but otherwise I stay away from it for my own health and sanity.
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I am sio ^^ (well not really my real names Siobhan, but hardly any one can pronounce that correctly when reading it, its a Gaelic name, think Shi-von,) so I go by sio on the forum So I stayed up till 4am this morning as well Kuma! Although mine was through choice (accidently) I bought some new books and when I got home and had eated I figured, its 8pm I can start one of my books and read for a little while and still be in bed for about 10pm right? No, next thing I know I look at my clock and realise its 4 am and I've finished the book ... it was a good book though course I looked like death warmed up when I got up this morning - but fair do's I'm pale naturally anyways, just dont normally have the huge bags under my eyes
    Horror ... its a bit of a love / hate thing for me, if I read or watch anything within the horror genre then sometimes it gets into my head and I kinda start to believe it, like after seeing the Grudge (the original not the crappy Hollywood version) I jumped at ever cracking noise I heard and I kept checking under my bed for creepy ghost boys ... only lasted for a few days though then my commen sense kicked in ^^ But other times the premise is just so ridiculous that I end up finding it kind of funny, I'm that person when everyone else is jumping or looking away I'm laughing my head off ... most Hollywood horror has that affect on me *go figure* But I HATE slasher movies, they are essentially snuff and I've seen so many different versions of characters being tourtured, maimed, eaten alive *blah blah blah* its just stupid and painfull to watch, and it actully stops being shocking, theres only so much fake blood you can see in one movie before you just stop caring!
    *hugs* I like hugs, I'm quite touchy with my friends in real life, if I've known and liked you for more than a couple of months then you will get hugged hello, or occasionally goodbye hugs ^^ I dont really go in for hand holding or arm linking (mainly cause I find it hard to walk like that ^^) but if I dont know you or we've only just met then I wont touch you at all - I want to get to know someone and get a read on them first, I mean if I like them but they dont like to be touched then fair enough, I like them enough to respect that plus I kinda like surprises when their nice, good ones.
    Kuma - maybe this is only a brief fling of temptation, you can be drawn to Jun while knowing you like Nino, always
    Wow - talked a lot, how we all doing?
  10. kumakun
    fake blood is an art form! lol well it is for me anyways~
    sometimes 4 or 5 of us would walk down the street with our arms linked...living in the middle of no where allows you to do that~
    nope saw a gif of ninos sex scene and I never want to see it again..it's in my brain and won't leave...it's like how I liked aiba until his scandle...I don't care that he has sex it's just that it didn't look right >.>
    have you seen jun in dos mode...dudes kinda hot and it annoys me >.>
    if sho had a sweater he'd win me though..sho in a sweater beats dos jun..someone needs to figure out how my brain works cause seriously >.> but sho really would look cuddly..damn them and their rainbows of love!
    they have a new music video out and it's like please stop with the rainbows already please T^T

    I got something in the mail..now it's either a plushie of jiraiya, sage naruto,uraharas hat, or rukias zanpakuto that I picked for a reason I don't remember cause I really really really ukitakes :/

    oh I'm still up btw..if there was an award for that I would win for sure *nods*
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