aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    there are some sites but it depends on what you want to read..theres a renji/ichigo otp site that you don't have to download..but I think the only other thing you can do is search lj and google scalations groups.

    Yeah we had some really nice people back then and I used to have long rambles..things have changed so much..like I used to post in threads all the time but now I never do..I guess it's cause I have my aarin friends and family now?

    Yeah Im with you guys on the phone thing..for some reason it creeps me out..

    I want more funny videos...we should have a find a funny youtube anime video contest *nods*
  2. Jasper
    :o i has a funny youtube vid but its not anime ._.
  3. kumakun
    feel free to show it..I mean people are free to do whatever they want in here so long as they follow the rules of the forum so ^^

    Does anyone remember who the mod for this group is? I can't remember
    we have 3 or 4 mods actually in the group but who is the one that is actually watching it?
  4. Jasper
    O.O I dnt know >.< I just joined ._. Sorry i couldnt be a help
  5. Lioslaith
    What's a mod? Sorry, I'm a shut-in villager so I don't know squat. I really hate it when people hang up on me when I answer the phone though. I mean I plucked up the courage to answer the phone the least you could do is say "Wrong number!"

    Y'know I tried lj the fecking thing wouldn't let me into anything cause I didn't have 'permission'. What a bunch of bull! It's Live Journal! There shouldn't be any restrictions on a freaking blog/post/thingy! That's not what it was made for. (huffs)

    Anyway I've been really getting into Axis Powers Hetalia lately you got any really good fics or pictures for me? (chibi eyes) Sorry stupid smilie thingy ain't workin'.
  6. kumakun
    1-2 years ago people filled out form things and applied to be mods (because the old mods didn't want to do it/they needed more/or another reason)and watch things whatever right..there was a mod asigned to this group but for the life of me I can't remember who it was...it's not a big deal I just couldn't remember lol I think it was someone I liked though mods= moderater...you'll see their names in blue if you look at the names of the people in this group ^^

    I friendlock alot of stuff on my lj...it used to bother me when people would do it but now being someone who is in a position where I should be flocking I get it....they are basically covering their ass by doing that..and if its a thing you have to join just read the rules and they'll let you in ...just say you'll follow the rules and you are of age to view what's in it if it's something you need to be old enough for^^

    I personally don't have any but if you want to make a post about it I'll give you some points to offer people to find it...just let me know~

    when people would call me and not say anything I would threaten to sing hanson at them..mmmbop usually gets people talking or hainging up..
  7. Lioslaith
    (grins) You're funny Kumakun. I don't know if I should make a post...It seems like a lot of trouble.
  8. Jasper
    o.o When people dont talk i say hello like 5 times then they say bye and hang up Q~Q I dont like that....

    o.o I do posts on here just cuz i get bored x3
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I lives again *for about 2 mins* sorry guys its getting harder to come on here to particpate after work But I'm here and part of the group honest!! I wont be disapearing for long streatches ^^
    So I work in an inbound call centre so its my job to answer the phones ... thats fun. I have this system at home where if I dont recognise the number then I just dont answer it ^^ its only ever family or telemarketers who call me anyways, I'd hate that job - at least in mine people call me to complain imagine me having to call out to people and harass them to buy something or take a survey or something? No Thanks!
    @Lio (you dont mind me shortening your name do you? I tend to shorten everyones nic's) have you ever tried mangafox or onemanga? They have a lot of manga that you just scroll through I dont know about dj's cause I tend to not read them but you can always try your luck LJ is good, sometimes you have to sign up or befriend a community to use/ watch something but its no worse to signing on to the forum so its definatly something to consider - plus I'm on LJ you can find me there sometimes ^^ Although I tend to forget I have it and sometimes lays wasting for weeks on end - but I'm there honest!!
    :Jasper - dancing is good - I love to dance as well, groups of people dont really bother me unless I have to get up and speak in front of them or too them - that never goes well for me >.< we never really had that many active folk but we at least had about 10 folk who would post regularly and contribute to the group on a semi daily/ weekly basis it was fun but we four can continue on right *group hugs*
  10. Jasper
    I love hugs!!!! -giggles- ^-^
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