aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    sorry I haven't been around talking again...I'm all moody right now so I thought I'd better keep a low profile before I start mouthing off to people or something..no one in here of course cause you guys are awesome..just saying...

    Sio chan I have

    Mary san no hitsuji
    hitsuji hitsuji
    mary san no hitsuji
    kawaii ne

    In my head =_= ;
  2. Jasper
    O.O Hello Im just jumping in -waves-
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Liosinth I'm sorry to hear that!! I hope they dont continue to forget you@?
    Kuma - things still not good? But still Little lamb its so cute in Japanese is awesome - You must know it inside and out by now?
    @ Jasper - So glad to have your here! We welcome everyone especially the ones who jump straight in and say hello *waves back*

    So I went to the RAF air show today - the Red Arrows where amazing! But I'm so tired, up at 5.30am travelling for 2.45 hours each way only got home at 7.15pm and I'm a little sun burned and the kids where just annoying on the train home but still - Good day out had
  4. Lioslaith
    Welcome Jasper! Glad to have another to talk to here!

    Don't worry Sio-chan, they don't forget me so much anymore. Now they just sort of bring me stuff back when the ditch me. "Sorry we left you again have a taco." basically. I love tacos though so I don't mind too much.

    I've never been to an airshow before. I heard they're pretty awesome though. I'm glad you had fun!
  5. Jasper
    Lolz i feel...welcomed ^-^ Im glad to be here -does a little dance and giggles-
  6. kumakun
    sio read your blog...how the hell did you do that to yourself? I know the feeling you decribed but I've never done that..I don't think..

    Lioslaith back in the day this place was so full of people talking it was hard to keep up..when they changed the way the message boards worked the people chatting dropped massively..I wish they would change it back to the way it used to be >.>

    Yo Jasper whats up?

    Hey so I showed Muka that video and he sent me this one YouTube - The Anime Race not funny in the same way that the other one is but I liked it ^^ I thought inuyasha might have won..he always struck me as a fast runner..if he had of won I bet he would have killed that pikachu~
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    yeah for dancing Jasper ^^ We're a friendly bunch but Kuma is right we used to be a much larger bunch until all the changes came in Come back everyone!!
    Lioslath - even if they're bringing you tacos (good thing) they still shouldnt forget you that still kinda sucks! Better be amazing Tacos! The air show was good very interesting and I maintain the Red Arrows where amazing!
    Kuma - I have no idea what I did or how I did it! >.< It was weird though, my foot was pointed in completely the wrong direction and that 'crack' noise and the vibration ... that was scary! My ankle's a little swollen today but I dont think I've done anything major to it *fingers crossed*
  8. Jasper
    Nothing really

    I love dancing!!
    And lots of people make me nevrous -shivers-
  9. Lioslaith
    I know what you mean Jasper. Actually what really freaks me out is talking over the phone. I don't know why but I can't do it without getting really freaked out.

    They're from Taco Bell Sio-chan of course they're amazing. I seriously love Taco Bell. There's actually a Taco Bell/KFC combo in the city near my village! It takes like 20 minutes to get there but it's epic! My parents sometimes bring me fancy tea cups when they feel really bad about forgetting me though. I'm self-sufficient now though so I don't really need them but it's always nice to be remembered.

    It really sucks that everyone's moved out of this thread though Kumakun. It would have been nice to talk to all those people I guess.

    Hey does anyone know a site where I can read free doujinshi without having to download it? I have a 20 year old laptop that can't handle downloads or even the adobe flashplayer so I could use some help. Most free doujinshi sites need you to download it or you need to be 'authorized' to enter. Stupid restrictions!
  10. Jasper
    i hate the phone to!! I dnt like talking all that much if i do talk alot then i feel like im annoying ppl -blush-
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