aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Lioslaith
    I love lots of books too. I'm actually in love with a trilogy called Skulldugery Pleasant. Don't remember the author but it's an awesome tril.
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the thread* Hope your all doing well ^^
    I'm so tired still and my evening class has been canceled due to insuffiecent numbers so I'm going to have to find something else to do for a while
  3. Lioslaith
    There's more books in Skulduggery Pleasant! It's up to book five in the UK! I want it nao! You could always talk to me Sio-chan. It's not like I do anything being disabled and all...
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Just had a quick look at the Skulduggery Pleasant website - so hes a skeleton whos also a detective right? I'm just finishing an Australian authors book called the Kings Bastard ... it was fun reading that in work people where just staring at the title but not a one of them asked me about it or seemed offended and its not like I was reading porn so they couldnt really complain ^^ Its also a trilogy but the first volume is just out so it might be a while until the next two are released.
    I FINALLY got to see Scot Pilgram in the cinema ^^ I really enjoyed it, it sticks fairly close to the graphic novel series, not exact and it does change elements of the story but not enough that it pisses the fangirl in me off ^^ I'm thinking of going to see it again just for the fun of it ^^ I'm a bit of a movie geek as well .
    Theres another course called introduction to holistic therapies and massage that I'm thinking I might do instead if I can, I was supposed to do the intro to Art Therapy but since that was canceled I want to do something else for the time being, I'm going to the need the Intro course cause I cant do the Post Grad without it and I really want to do the post grad but I wont be able to search again till April intake - hopefully there'll be more people interested and I'll be able to keep up with the life plan ^^ I'm here to talk too as well, I've not really been on the last couple of days just work, home then sleep thats kinda been my pattern, but for the most part I'm here online and all we can chat whenever we can and we're both on ^^ *hugs*
  5. kumakun
    sio I keep missing you T^T
    oh you got to see you're movie!happy it didn't piss you off to badly!
    I'm sorta sleeping right now so I'm not really here but I wanted to check in with you guys
  6. Lioslaith
    Well I'm happy to hear from you both. I got Black Butler vol. 2! T'was awesome. I'm poor so I can't keep up with most people on things like this. I did get the movie Zombieland though! Greatest movie ever. I laughed so hard. I also got to see Tim Burtons new Alice in Wonderland. It's great! I love Tim Burton! Greatest creative mind ever!
  7. kumakun
    A friend showed this to me and I had to come share XD
    YouTube - Anime Munters [ORIGINAL] by go devil dante
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Heh I know you've only just shown this to me on msn but still funny link well worth watching ^^
    I saw a kid reading one of the Skuldegery Books and it made me think of you Lioslaith for some reason ^^ I'm so fed up of applying for jobs I'm not getting any feed back from, I'm not getting interviews or anything, not even an email to say why they dont want to consider me >.< ah well got to keep trying and all that, persistance pays off right?
  9. Lioslaith
    Yup. Eventually someone will see your greatness and go 'Dude hire this person before another does!' and you'll be all 'yes! I have a job!'

    I'm glad you thought of me. My family has a tendency to forget I'm here and completely ditch me to do something fun. They once forgot me and went to the movies to see a movie I was dying to watch! Not fair.
  10. Lioslaith
    That vid was wicked funny btw.
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