aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I made this group but I'm hardly seen anymore for reasons some of you know...but I do try to pop by when new people show up XD
    Nice to meet you both..I'm sure you'll find some good friends in here<3

    I'm shy but I'm loud and weird so no one believes me when I say I am..I mean sio chan here has been talking to me for a long time and I don't think she would have known had I not told her..I mean singing "I wont grow up" with your best friend in the cafe doesn't scream shy XD

    anyways yes that's shuichi from gravitation..you're a fan of his I'm guessing? I myself am a ryuichi fan and am fully convinced that his character is based on aiba masaki from arashi..I mean the dude carries around his stuffed plushie dog like ryu carries kuma...also In an episode of one for thier shows aiba was wearing the white ruffly sleave shirt with jeans...they dress the same -__-; that was sort of a ramble wasn't it..oh well that's what you get when I come on after downing a can of whipped cream XD

    sio get a headset<3
  2. Lioslaith
    I'm glad I got to meet you all! It's nice to have someone to talk to apart from my family y'know? I only have two friends and they have lives of their own so I tend to be isolated. Most people don't think I'm shy either considering how opinionated I can be. I will tell someone what I think of them with absolute honesty but I avoid conversation like the plague when I can. I don't mind listening but I can't bring myself to contribute to a conversation for fear of sounding stupid.

    I love Shuichi! He's so cute and stubborn. Ridiculously so but it's still cute.
  3. kumakun
    Do you read the gravitation manga too? I had to stop reading when the new ones came out...to stupid way to stupid.
    anyways I like the tatsuha/ryuichi pairing..I wish there was more then that *nods* and I'm also wondering why they are leaving so much out of the anime..people are missing alot of the story :/

    I don't feel well so I'm off but you're going to make some friends in here I'm sure...almost everyone does(can't think of someone who hasn't) also from time to time I use this as a blog..or I used to b4 the blog option came out so please feel free to do whatever ok?
  4. Lioslaith
    My library only carried up to manga number 5 of Grav so that's all I've read. I've wanted to read more but I always get side-tracked by some new game or an update for a fanfiction. I've been dying to get my hands on the new Zelda game. I've been hearing all these rumors about a Kingdom Hearts 3 too! Man I want it! They should make KH into an online game, I'd die happy then. Or even if they just turned it into an anime series or movie!
  5. kumakun
    I bought them all and the novels..but if you want to read them you can try looking online for them...there was a really good site that had everything but I can't think of it right now..if you want to know it I'll look for it..let me know ^^
    What other anime do you like?
    are you more of a game person or anime person?
    wow I'm in a good mood XD
  6. Lioslaith
    I'm actually more of an anime person but I love a good RPG. I love Yami no Matsuei, Loveless, Rozen Maiden, Kyou Kara Maou, and Kuroshitsuji(Black Butler). There are actually more but those are what I'm lovin' right now.
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Wow I'm not on for one night and a whole conversation happens ^^
    I love Gravi I've the first series of manga and seen the full anime I never bothered with the second series of manga cause like kuma said ... stupid beyond stupid but I didnt read any of the novels either, maybe I should?
    I dont RPG but I'm a mix of anime and manga - I fully enjoy both but I prefer to read the manga of something first and then watch the anime version of it so I can see the progression and how the storylines differ (if at all)
    I did get a headset this is true ^^
  8. Lioslaith
    Ya, the anime is almost never the same as the manga. Sometimes they even have different characters or you end up going "OI! So and so would never do that!" At least that's what usually happens to me.

    My second favorite game is Zelda: Wind Waker and my favorite is Kingdom Hearts.

    What's your favorite book? That's a question for everyone.
  9. Lioslaith
    I'm actually writing a book right now and I'm a little ashamed of it cause I named my hero something really really stupid. I couldn't help it though! That was his name in the dream and if I name him something else I know something horrible will happen.
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Narrowing it down to just one book? I dont think I can!!! I tend to have favourite authors and I will, for lack of a better expression, cosume everything that I can find of their writings ... Neil Gaiman, Allan Moore, Anne MacCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Katherine Kerr and there are more and many more on top of that list ... I love to read
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