aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prod prod prod*
    Hows it going?
  2. Lioslaith
    I'm doin okay. How have you been?
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Mix of ok and not so ok as it goes >.< I've got the much anticipated meeting with my work on Tuesday which could result in termination of my contract so I may not be employed as of next Tuesday which is a huge mind melt on me - I've always worked, I've always had a job ever since I was 16 and I'm completely responsible for myself financially and if I dont have a job I'm not going to be able to afford my rent, or my bills ... or food, I dont want my family to step in to help me out financially - I know that they would if I ever really needed them too but they cant afford it month on month and I DONT want to become anymore dependant on them. anyways and I'm worried about people cause I dont know how to help them.
  4. Lioslaith
    Oh ****. I really hope everything works out for you. I hope you get a promotion or something.

    Don't worry about people so much either. They're rather resilient, they'll make it through.

    I have to see my doctor again soon so I can resign for my insurance and go on disability.

    I really hope nothing goes wrong, I can't work it hurts too much.
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I hope everything with your Dr goes ok - you shouldnt have to worry if it hurts like that then I hope that nothing will go wrong.
  6. Lioslaith
    Thanks for the support. Y'know I watched that movie Paranormal Entity, scared me so bad I couldn't sleep. My dad saw me drag myself outta bed at 11 this morning and demanded I go back to sleep. "I TOLD you not to watch that movie! Now look at you! You've gone and gotten yourself sick again! You're yellow!" I love him to death he's a great man and I'm so proud of him but I swear some days I wanna push him down the stairs. (sighs) Honestly I TRIED to sleep. Kept having horrible flashes of my wretched demise. Anything to cheer me up with?
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    You have a pic ava now!! Its cute I'm guessing either Graviation or Sukisyo? I can understand the notion of loving someone so much that you sometimes you have to stop yourself from throwing something at them ^^
  8. pythoneyb
    wow I'm glad i found a group like this. I've always been shy but I'm changing that slowly but surely. i guess i just don't know how to reach out to ppl so easily,but i do like meeting new ppl so i hope at least i can get to know some of you
  9. Lioslaith
    Yah! I'm so excited I found one that's so cute. I think it's Gravitation, at least I hope it is cause that's what I was going for. I'm glad you understand usually when I say something like that it's "Lio don't do that!" and that's annoying, I said I wanted to not that I would.

    I hope we can be friends pythoneyb. I can understand not being able to reach out. I sorta push people away with my shyness. My dad calls it aggressive shyness. It's a defense for me to do it and I don't know how to stop it.
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    It does look like Gravi very cute ^^
    Hello and welcome to you pythoneyb!!! We are all in the same boat here, we all had to start somewhere right? I love meeting new folk and getting to know them I'm sure we'll get on really well. Hope your both well!!
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