aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Lioslaith
    Ah but you see my honesty is like that commercial with Abe Lincoln where his wife asks if the dress makes her butt look fat and he doesn't want to answer but he says 'just a little' anyway.

    I also did mean Harry Potter and thank you for joining me in me appalled-ness.
  2. Lioslaith
    Sailor Moon was the first anime I watched and so will always hold that special place in my heart. (grins)
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Me too!! I used to watch Sailor Moon when I was 11 and I still love it even now just for the nostalgia if nothing else, theres just a little girl part of me that goes 'squee' whenever I hear the transformation music ^^

    And I would have said 'Its not the dress' or maybe I only would have thought it ... I do have a tendancy to suger coat the blunt stuff that I say for example when I worked in retail and this nice older lady was trying on this really low cut top and short skirt and she asked me if I thought she was 'mutton dressed as lamb' ... I said that if you've got the body and the confidence to pull it off then you should wear what you want and not care what anyone thinks about it tact amongst strangers is always a good thing
  4. Lioslaith
    Gah! But I have no tact! I'm what Lizzy calls Brutal Cold Honesty. Yes she does say it with capitals. I don't know how she manages that while actually talking...Weirdo. Anyway, another nostalgic anime for me is Gundam Wing. I watch it and can't help but laugh at how cliche and childish it seems now that I'm older. Still one of my favorites ever though. I feel like a little kid again when I watch Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing so anytime I do I get candy and popcorn.
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    lol - tact is for people who arent smart enough to be sarcastic - I have that on a poster in my room ^^

    I love Gundam Wing as well - the original anyways with Hero How slashable was that anime? Thats actually what introduced me to all this in a round about way - I used to read a lot of fan fiction about the Gundam boys ^^ which opened my mind the world of Shonen ai [sp] - I bought and read Fake (my first ever shonen ai/ yaoi manga) and have never looked back
  6. kumakun
    not really here but this convo was in my inbox so I had to come say...I have pokemon named Heero,Due,Trowa, and Quatre XD
  7. Lioslaith
    (laughs) You do? That's cute. I was actually introduced to yaoi by my best friend Joe when I first started up our anime club. He demanded I read his InuYasha yaoi and it was really good. He got me hooked so I ended up reading more. My very first yaoi manga was actually 'Hands Off' ...I think...it could have been Gravitation...It was one of those two. That poster sounds pretty funny. I actually have a metal sign on my door that says 'No trespassing: Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again'. My mom got it for me. (grins)
  8. Lioslaith
    Oh! Have any of you ever played Fragile Dreams? Greatest game ever! It even has a little shounen-ai! It's so adorable.
  9. kumakun
    I got my name from gravitation..from ryuichis bunny XD
    do you watch any of the other gundams? I have a cosplay dress of lacus and I want more~

    anyways I'm off cause I don't feel good.
  10. Lioslaith
    Aw, that's too bad. I hope you feel better Kumakun.
    That's also really cute where you got your name. I only watched one other Gundam but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. It's teh one where the circle comes down in the cockpit and they get this weird black suit on them...I think it's the one where he yells 'shining finger!' all over the place. Not sure.
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