aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Its so sweet!! I like how we can see the little pink haired girl grow up (dont know her name) but its sweet!
    So its all going? Its been kind of quiet around here for a while! *prod the group, prod the group* ehehehehe
    Well still I got nothing new to report! Which could be a good thing I guess nothing majorly bad has happened and I've got no news which is good news ^^
  2. kumakun
    lol ok so some of you know that I want to make a japanese tea house thing...that's not a big deal cause I'll have the money for it when the time comes..but I want to get some cosplay stuff and first time around the price was well over $9000..so I cut it down..and now its about $7000 o_O;;; theres some stuff I can cut again but seriously I wish I knew how to sew!

    also it's insane that I still like this show YouTube - Degrassi opening theme season 1-9
    I watched the original so I get a huge kick out of seeing snake as principal...who'd a thunk it? XD
  3. kumakun
    Drake years before he became Drake and was known Jimmy on Degrassi~ they actually did some good songs..couldn't find them but anyways~
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Still on a Degrassi kick ^^
    How are we all doing in shy thinker land then?
  5. Robee
    I have been so over worked and ill for the last couple of weeks it's not funny. Over worked with keeping up with unreasonable demands from middle management because of their lack of foresight and planning. Then, I get a summer cold; it's no fun walking around hacking and clogged sinuses when it's +30 degrees ouside. I have been so ill i could not even focus on anything cohesive let alone put two thoughts together. There is nothing worse than a 'demi-Queen' with a head cold; at least we are feeling better now.

    I remember when that series used to be called 'The Kids of Degrassi Street'; The first short from that series called "Ida makes a movie".
  6. Lioslaith
    Hey, I hope none of you mind me jumping in. I'm not exactly easy to get along with so I'm sorry if I piss anyone off. Ummm....kay I hope I can make a few friends at least.
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    the shy thinkers are back!!
    Hey Robee I kinda love that you refer to youself by the Royal 'we' would expect nothing less from a 'demi-Queen' ^^ I'm glad your feeling better though! Still working for tyrants eh? No fun to be had
    Lioslaith!!! *welcomes* Of course no one minds!!! We love it when people come in and join in! I'm not sure why you'd think you'd piss anyone off - we're a very moderate bunch feel free to talk about whatever you want, or join in the conversation (if there is any ^^) And I'm sure we'll get along well *hugs*
    So I posted on the blog site how I was -considering- just considering the potential of speaking to my Dr about how I maybe a little depressed/ stressed out beyond believe and *maybe* discussing the option of medication if it would help some of the responses I got where fairly interesting - I dunno I tend to just post whatever's in my head and I try to be nice about it but if thats what I'm thinking or feeling then I tend to say it and I dont really ever think that someone's actually going to read it! I hope I didnt offend anyone Ah well, I'm still feeling a bit low about everything thats happened over the last few weeks but I'll get there ^^ love to the group!!!
  8. Lioslaith
    Well, I'm honest to a fault and no one can stand me for long. I only have 2 friends...they're kinda sick of me right now so I'm a bit lonely. Don't get me wrong I love my friends and they love me but I can get a bit unbearable. I'm rude, cynical, and typically an angry person so my friends have trouble with me sometimes. It might have to do with Sarie being an optimist and Lizzy wanting me to think 'positive' or some ****. (sighs) Thanks for letting me join though.
  9. Lioslaith
    Tis a new day and I wish to discuss the appalling lack of decent hp doujinshi that I can download in english for free. That and I can't seem to find a really good Kenny/Butters story. Although there was this really cute sailor moon xover of it I found.
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    hp like Harry Potter? I dont really know much about doujinshi to be honest but I can be appalled with you ^^ But I do LOVE sailor moon!
    Honesty is a good thing so no one will begrudge you for that and I'm sure that the other stuff will get along just fine
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