aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    my mom would flip out at conrad black..she hates him so much it's not even funny..though she has a right to be...working in the newspaper business and all >.>
    oh I don't know if I said that right....but justin and conrad were on the list of people people didn't want at their BBQs..justin made me laugh~

    Nino always has awesome underwear XD

    stupid aiba asking nino to stop wearing flashy underwear because it distracts him...now it's distracting everyone watching cause we want to know what he's wearing T^T
    up until recently his pink ones were the best "lol neens what are you wearing" undies now its the zebra print~ lol
  2. Robee
    Pink? Zebra Prints?
    I'd distract myself nevermind anyone that was in the room with me?
    I'm glad I'm just a Hanes boxer-briefs kinda guy. I never get flashy with my underwear, not even a pair of boxers with little hearts on them.
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Whos conrad black? >.< I know nothing!!
    But nice distracting undies is always entertaining ^^
    How are we all?
  4. Robee
    I'm fine, although things could be better?
    Nothing new to report, I saw the first 4 episodes of 'Hot in Clevland' online. It's about a trio of forty-somethings from LA that relocate Cleveland when their plane is force to crash land there. Apparently, it turns out for a trio of forty-somethings they are pretty hot in Ohio, unlike LA-LA Land where they are just over the hill. The series also stars Betty White and for an eighty-eight year old woman her humor and timing are perfect. She's a riot!

    A line from episode four, they just crashed the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame party:

    Joy: "For a bunch of over the hill rockstars they surpisingly well perserved? Screw botox, I'm switching to heroin!"

    I also finished watching 'Chobits' (by the way; Hideki is a hentai ) and 'Hatsukoi Limited'. I got an interesting idea for a short story from Chobits and Hatsukoi was entertaining but a bit campy at times? Hatsukoi is a series of first's: first love and unrequited love. I got another idea for a short story from that too...now I just got to commit them to paper

    @sio chan: How you been? Any news on the job front yet?
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I chobits I've read the entire manga series and I've seen the first four discs of the Anime (on DVD) I'm saving up for the next 3 discs so that I can see the rest of it
    Hot in Cleveland sounds fun! I might try to look that up ^^
    I got nothing good to report on the job front! I'm trying not to think about it cause I can feel the axe lowering and I've got nothing to fall back on and nothing to go onto
  6. Robee
    @sio chan: Try not to worry so much, or else you'll wind up a chain smoker like me?
    I wish I had something to go onto, but technically I see myself a 'hostage' of the company I work for. I can't wait for the place to bankrupt then I can say "I told you so." ...and when I think about. I wouldn't say that at all because it wouldn't be worth it.

    For now, I can only work as hard as I can till something good comes along, or strive towards some goal to keep us going. On my fridge I keep a photographs of my late mother, my sisters and their chlildren. My reasons to get up in the morning and keep trying. If not for myself but for them I have to keep on trying now matter how hard it gets.

    I get knocked down
    But I get up again
    And you're never going
    to keep me down
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    awww thank you for being so nice and positive Robee - I love what you said about doing it for the long term goals and not for youself thats so nice!! And you gotta love a little Chumbawanga song lyric
    I'm trying not to worry but its not easy - mostly I'm just depressed and a little bit stressed, but I really appreciate the upbeat message *huggles*
  8. Robee

    Happy Today.

    I managed to replace some of my anime mp3's in my audio file; including replacing an song I really enjoy by Yuko Miyamura - Hello, Strange Days; from one my favorite animes My Dear Marie. It's a happy feel good song when you are on the go.

    Also, in 45+ days they'll be finally releasing PetShop of Horrors Tokyo vol. 7. I've been waiting for what feels like forever for the next volume to come out?

    Work sucks! But at least I have a little relief from the day and something else to look foward to. Rule #32 of Zombieland Survival guide: "Enjoy the little things."
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Heres for being happy
    Its a sweet song! I wish I knew what the words mean >.< But still very cute!
    I love Zombieland!! Laughed all the way through that I really enjoyed it! I've never read any of the Petshop of Horrors - I've heard of it though is it worth my getting obsessed over?
    How are we all today? I'm kinda hating my life a little bit but that'll pass I'm sure ^^ I've only got to make it through this week then I'm on holiday for the last week of July and then I can start worrying full time about everything ^^
  10. Robee
    I wish I can take a break from my worries?
    All well..one day at a time.

    I did manage to find part of the english lyrics to that song from the ending of My Dear Marie.
    YouTube - My Dear Marie Ending - Hello, Strange Days
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