aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Kalina
    Hi! new here XD
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello Kalina! Nice to meet you ^^
    So how is everyone? I've done my back in ... again - went to the doctor said it was a back spasm - painfull but not permanent it'll ease off after a few days, missed work - not good given my history but we'll see whats going to happen - I've had some response from applications I sent out and I've been contacted to say that they are interested in setting up interviews etc *fingers crossed*
  3. Robee
    I wish my back would spasm, so I can take a break from the insanity that is my life?

    Hi everyone! Sorry for the long hiatias but my job has been super busy and everyone at work wants miracles. The last time I check my birth certificate 'Jesus' was not my middle name. My job has been draining any joy out of my life to the point where I just want to role into bed and pull the covers over my head.

    Oh well, at least I haven't killed anyone...yet.

    Sio Chan: Back spasms? I haven't had those in years. I remember the last time that happen I did something stupid...I sat down. Yes, just the act of sitting sent a shooting pain through my spine and locked my neck up good. I almost died with every jolt on the transit ride home from work with every single bump the bus hit?

    I hope you hit the mark good and find the job you like. Good Luck!

    Hi Kalina! I'm Robee the somewhat maniacal and inquistive member of this group. Check out some of my threads and drop us line here anytime.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Nah I wouldnt wish back spasms on anyone, even if it meant taking time off from work, even your work which is sounding progressively worse!! I hope you find something new as well!
    Thank you for wishing me luck ^^
  5. kumakun
    sio if you want to chat with me you know my lj name..that's where I am these days~
    Hello robee it's been a while huh?

    oh you know what I took a test to see who I would be in band of brothers..I got spiers! XDXDXD the second time I took it using a different test and I Luz but I love him to so its all good XD XD
    band of brothers marathon today if anyone is wondering..
  6. Robee
    Band of Brothers? I saw both of those series but the 'Pacific' version was just brutal. I can't believe that they subjegated themselves to those horrific conditions; it was just awful.

    I've done countless hours of research on the chronicles of warfare (an idea for 'Yaoi Fiction' I'm writing); I cannot fathom the needless wanton destruction of humanity in warfare. Because when you take a step back from who is fighting and why? It's idiotic from any perspective whether it belongs to the victor or the defeated. Wars were simple before The Korean War, they were a matter of national pride in the face of tyranny, but now they are a 'white-wash' of national interest disguised as national security. I don't want to go off on a rant, this is not the forum for that.

    Yeah it has been awhile since I've been here? I'm not trying to make it a habit but my life has been absolute rubbish lately? I just get so overwhelmed sometimes I just go totally sensory shutdown and my brain just doesn't want to put to cohesive thoughts together.
  7. kumakun
    I won't watch the pacific because I watched letters from iwo jima and I just don't want to see the..anger? I guess ? I don't know but I liked the way it was told in letters from iwo jima.

    Ah well it's been awhile since you and I talked I mean..and I'm with you on the brain shut down thing..in fact it's shutting down right now so I'm off..but big hugs to everyone in here!<3<3
  8. Robee
    They say that history is written by the Victors, but never is ever written by the one's who were there. I like 'Letters from Iwo Jima' and I also saw a film from Japan about a woman whom raised her two daughters alone while her husband was incarcerated in prision during the Russo-Asia War and through World War II. (Kabei: Our Mother 2008) He was accused of being a subversive and a traitor of Japanese Government because of his so-called socialist views of the conflict in China.

    It's a very poignant and very sad film. Something I recommend watching while curdling on the couch with a blanket on a Sunday afternoon with peanut brittle, tea, and a box of tissues
  9. kumakun
    you've seen a movie with my nino-chan in it 8D
    I liked the way they talked to the american guy they had with them who was hurt..I dunno I guess I just like the way it was told....thinking about it now there wasn't any fight sceens were there? not like in other movies anyways..:/

    Is that movie subbed?

    today on the news it said the number one person people don't want to have at their canada BBQs is justin bieber..justin bieber beat out conrad black..that is just so wrong and also stupid and funny..
  10. Robee

    Yes, the movie Kabei is subbed.

    I don't think Justin or Conrad would be my first choice at a BBQ? I think Neil Young would be my first choice at a BBQ; he looks like a pretty mellow and laid back kinda guy. I just had my first peice of BBQ chicken yesterday. Boy did I get nauseous? I think it may because I don't usually eat fried foods anymore, or because I'm not really a big meat eater anymore. I do eat fish though, although I may want to stop doing that after I saw 'The Cove' this weekend? It was horrible what they were doing to those poor dolphins in that small community.
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