aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group some more*
    Just a warning really I'm going out tonight for a friends 25 at a snooker club ... this means you can all expect a somewhat potentially drunken rambling at about 2-3 am tomorrow morning :P dont know why but whenever I have a drink or two I always end up on here, I've accepted it you should all too
    Hope everyone is well!!! Getting a little lonely at this end of things
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    never again ... I went to the party danced all night - absolutly boiling warm twisted my ankle slightly, still hurts. People kept buying me drinks and I kept trying to buy them back but they kept beating me to the punch ^^ What was really frustrating is that they wouldnt buy me a non-acholic drink! I had to sneak to the bar to get my own plain water to try and break up all the vodka, cocktails and shots >.< So anyways after dancing and drinking for most of the night the party ends and we all go back to the birthday girls flat where I get my own way and drink only soft drinks but then I was guilt tripped into staying till 5am - I feel guilty for leaving early!!!! I think my head is trying to explode
  3. kumakun
    sorry for being so lame lately guys...I just haven't felt like being on..I have been reading though like sio-chan thought...I just sucked to much to say anything and for that I'm sorry

    If I were you sio I would have said I wasn't feeling well and politly left as soon as I felt it was ok to do so....but you had fun otherwise right?
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Not lame at all!! You've got your own stuff going on, nothing suckie about you! *hugs*
    And you where right I should have just gone >.< but still its done now ^^
    Hows everyone doing today?
  5. VirtueOrSin
    Hey, I'm new here and I don't usually post on forums and such, I'm one of those annoying people who just lurk and read =] So hello people!

    Nidge x
  6. gemma22
    hello, I'm new too XD
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    newbies!!! Hello VirtueOrSin and gemma22

    I like meeting the new folk, especially when they post here so much nicer than trying to guess who's new and what not - dont worry about not posting Virtue - I used to lurk for years before I started chatting to folk - just post/ respond to whatever you want and feel comfortable with ^^
    *waves to all*
  8. gemma22
    lol i like meeting poeple its just when i do i get so self-consious i say the most stupidest things. (stupidest is that even a word) ^_^'
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    it is now - used in a sentance and makes sense in context and everything
    You dont need to worry about being self consious here - we all started somewhere right?
  10. gemma22
    thanks XD
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