aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Trust me I have no Athletic ability!! I walked it - I'm planning to walk the next one as well in order to improve my time and (hopefully) improve my fitness. Thats why I'm doing it, I'm hoping to improve my fitness levels and then get to a certain level of athletic ability ... like maybe any level at all
    So hows you? How is everyone/ I went to the Body and Soul fair yesterday and I had a Reiki Crystal healing it was amazing!
  2. Kimitom
    Aaaah exams are slowly draining my life force.

    Just googled what a Reiki crystal healing was and it sounds relaxing.

    I'm thinking of restarting yoga because I'm so chilled out after, just gotta find someone to go with...
  3. Robee
    Sorry, the closest thing to 'crystal healing' was when I consumed half a magnum of champagne during a lonely New Years Eve six years ago. Of couse it wasn't so bad? That year I met a young man that took pity on my plight; needless to say he was most helpful.

    Iwouldn't taking up a low impact exercise that would help with my mobility before I completely stiffen up? I was leaning towards Tai-Chi, swimming and mild cardio exercises like walking on weekends.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    lol Robee! Sounds like you had a fun evening afterall for all it started a little melonchany!
    @ Kimitom - I did the beginners yoga and I loved it, I still practice most mornings just for 15 - 20 mins but I feel like it really helps to 'warm me up' for the day

    Tai - Chi sounds fun its meant to be really good at improving flexibility
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group*
    Hope we are all well?
    @kuma if your checking I hope your ok and nothing more crazy has happened at your place!
    Its so warm here just now all nice an sunny, I'd probably enjoy it more if I had something to do or people to hang out with so instead I spent my weekend doing housework and cooking then freezing meals so that I can eat quick during the week >.>
    Its occured to me that I'm alone an awfull lot!
  6. AAA83
    'Ello! It has been awhile. I'm sorry Sio-chan! We're here for you though!
    And to all you shy/thinking lurkers out there- Hai! Kumakun was nice enough to make this group for all of us, so don't be afraid to join in! (I guess I"m not so shy anymore, but I like to try and make ppl feel welcome. )
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hi Hi AAA83, it has been a while, glad to have you back!
    aw thanks I was just having a moan, sometime the mood hits me like that and I want to complain, wasnt really feeling down though
    Lets hope the lurkers come forth
  8. Robee
    Lurkers? I'd settle for a peeping tom or two?

    Work has been draining and as of late; I have been uninspired to do anything lately including chat?

    The Queen is coming to 'Winter-peg' in July!
    I guess even a Queen can 'slum it' some time?

    I hope it doesn't turn out like her last visit?
    She went for a boat ride on the Red River and got stranded when the boat stalled on the Red'. She had to be rescued.
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    is drunk - slightly - not really anymore but I was Had an absolute marathon of a day! Started with my nephews birthday (he's 2), then straight to one of my little cousins birthdays (shes 4) then straight onto another cousin's christening of her second child, so that covers me from 9am till 6 pm when I got home, for about an hour an a half - long enough to eat, change and nap on the couch before I went out to another cousins 21st birthday night out and now I'm home again ^^ I was drinking at christening party ... I think it was doing that on a partially empty stomache that did me in cause when I went out to the 21st of course I had a few but then I stopped (cause I know my limits yes sir!) and went straight onto water but I still feel a bit dodgy - going to see how I feel tomorrow/ today its 2.40am here!!

    Peeping toms manages to make lurkering seem so much more taboo ^^ Sorry work has been bad for you Robee hopefully you'll get a break soon?
    Here comes the Queen eh? Could be fun I guess?
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group*
    Whats happening guys? Well my week of jury duty has passed, I was not selected to a trail and for it all it was kinda interesting to see what the process was like, it was really boring - lots of sitting around and waiting. Getting into weird 'small talk' conversations with the people sitting next to you but overall an experience ^^
    I cleaned my keyboard today - and no thats not a metaphor, I actually got my screwdriver out and removed all the keys from my keyboard and cleaned it ... then put all the keys back - took about an hour and a half all in, I'm that bored I focused on what I could do to pass the time that while being productive (and REALLY nessessary, the amount of dust I found! It was creepy thinking about how long it had been like that in comparison with how much time I spend using the keyboard) wasnt really a usefull activity, like yet more job hunting.
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