aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    How are we all? hope we are all well Its vote day in the UK, I dont like any of the political party's and none of the manifesto's really work for me
    But I believe in democracy and I think that so many people suffer for not having the vote that you have to take part! So I'm going to vote ... Just not sure for who *ah well*
  2. SerenayMilford
    Our history teacher told us to vote the party who'd do the least harm^^'
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    yeah good in theory but you still have to choose for the lesser of the evils ^^ Anyways we now have a hung parliament *insert the obvious joke here* so its all kinda interesting politically just now, technically we dont have a fully elected government ^^' dont you think?
    How are we all? I'm getting a little nervous I'm running (actually walking) the 10k on sunday!! I'm hoping to do it in 2 1/2 hours, I've been walking every day in preperation for it since March when I signed up to do it but I still dont feel ready!!
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    wish me luck people 10 k here I come!!! I'll let you all know what my time is ... assuming you actually want to know?
    Oh and I've been summoned for Jury Service ... perfect timing really since my work have said any more absense for any reason and I go onto a stage 3 warning meaning potential dismissal and now I HAVE to take unpaid absense leave to do my civic duty ... oh joy I've decided that if they do push ahead with a dismissal that I'm going to get my self a lawyer on legal aid (since I'll be unemployed) and go to the papers, commen sense says that this isnt my choice, if I dont go to jury duty then I'm the one in trouble with the law, if I lie and say that theres a geniune reason why I cant perform my duty then I'm defrauding the justice system and I'm still the one in trouble with the law (!) I love my life
  5. kumakun
    bad things are going on and I'm worried..I'd talk about it on here but I'm not sure I should...sio I might e-mail you later?

    I've never been called for jury duty and I doubt they would let me do it anyway since I watch all those cop shows and I know things are left out and or lied about...I'd go and do the interview part where they pick and everything but I wouldn't be able to do it properly so I doubt I would be picked.

    Sio if you can't find another job or anything could you stay with your dad for a bit? I'd let ya stay here but well someone left a threat and cops are involved and also we don't live in the same country:/

    we are all having a bad time aren't we..robee's not being treated right at work..sio is in a tough spot and someone may or may not be trying to kill me

    I admit I am having a good time camwhoring though..I've decided that evertime tuti updates with a pic of him and nagayan or vise versa I'm going to do it too lol
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    OMFG!!! Kuma - are you ok? I think your's qualifies for a lot more than just a tough spot! I appreciate the thought really I do but the whole living in seperate countries thing does kinda screw us ... plus sounds like your going through something a bit insane just now?! Email me or msn, however we can!

    I feel bad now I'm here to post that I finished my 10k in 1 hour and 40 odd minutes, I was all proud feeling >.> I'm going to speak to my work tomorrow about whats going to happen with the Jury Service and what comes will come right? I doubt I'll get picked anyway but that doesnt mean I still dont have to go >.< Its not till the 01 June so I've got a few weeks anyways.

    I hope your ok!
  7. Kimitom
    Hiya I'm a long time lurker in many forums trying to post more
  8. Robee
    Hello Kikiton

    sio chan: congradulations on your 10k; I couldn't do 10k if the fate of the world depended on it? At best I could probably crawl it in 2 weeks-Kidding! I'm still at the same company and haven't decide to kill anyone yet. But the weeks not over?

    You should never shurk your social responsibilities to your society: voting and jury duty. No matter how much of wanker the new representive may be or, how much the accused may deserved to be hung up by his eyelids? We, as responsible adults, must contribute to our perspective societies in a logical, rational and egalitarian fashion.

    If that does not work? Do 'ennie-mennie-moe method' when it comes to voting and find a daisy to pluck when weighing judgement. *pluck* he's guilty *pluck* not guilty

    It's been almost 2 weeks since I posted anything. Have I been busy? Time seems to fly when you've become clinically brain dead without inspiration?
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey Kimitom!! Glad your going to try not to lurk Please feel free to post anything you want (I always do) and rambling rants are welcome ^^

    @Robee - thank you! I got my official time on Monday I finished the 10k in 1 hour and 36 mins ^^ - course I was only walking it but theres another one in Sept that I'm tempted to go in for and try to beat my time*hmm* We'll see.
    I agree with you, I voted and I will go and do my jury duty I dont shirk responsibilities >.< but I like your ennie-mennie-minie- moe method - might do that the next election if things dont improve
    Your considering murder hmm? Must be getting bad huh? I hope it gets better soon - or if not that you can claim justifiable homicide!!
  10. Kimitom
    Wow Sio you did the 10k, am slightly jealous of your athletic ability hehe well congratulations , marathon next?
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