aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello and welcome Everdark and Starshay!!! Its so good to have you here, I used to be (still am) quite shy about approaching people, online and in real life but this group really does help and we all support and chat to each other How are you guys?
    @ Robee, why have doubts? Are you going to be really busy again? Program sounds really interesting!
  2. Starshay
    Thank U for the welcome! that is very sweet of u!
  3. kumakun
    sorry I went MIA again but stuff happened..anyways sio chan is awesome to talk to and robee is like a really cool older brother so XD I love them both ^^ plus I'm around sometimes...what kind of things are you guys into?

    Right now I'm working on sio chans painting and looking for an NCIS hat lol
  4. Robee
    Hello, my name is Robee and the things I like done to my body are....Ooops?!
    Sorry...I thought I was typing in my other 'questionable' Web-Site.


    Hello Starshay and welcome to The Shy/Thinkers Club.

    It has been somewhat awkward last few days, other than getting a new pair of glasses that would camouflage the continuing degeneration of my vision in my left eye, I've decided to give a go at quitting smoking again.
    You may want to write this date down because you'll never hear another man say this? "I enjoy smoking more than I enjoy sex."
    The longest I ever quit for was year and that was because I was dating a single mother with an asthmatic 2 year old.
    But those were the days when I was younger...and a little 'straighter'.

    It is a habit I enjoyed very much for years...despite the consequences to my health; but it has to stop. Which sucks immensely. For it's like putting on a old comfortable sweater but the it's getting worn out and so am I. Not to mention detrimental to my budget...they raised cigarette and alcohol taxes here in Canada? Our government wants us to remain healthy and happy citizens so we can live longer....and pay more taxes.

    Oh well, 'time marches on' and thankfully it's not on my butt?

    I just finished watching 'Mary and Max'; a claymation movie based on a true story about two unlikey pen-pals who have been writing to each other for two decades. It's funny, poignant and sad in the right parts you'll enjoy it. I enjoyed the quote at he end:

    "God gave us relatives. Thank God we can choose our friends."
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm extreamly hung over >.< Was out last night and everyone bought me drinks ... I'm extreamly hung over!
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm finally home!!! The Volcaino trapped me in Barcelona and I've been traveling for the last three days on coaches, trains, ferries and various buses - but I'm finally home! Need to sleep and eat and shower ... maybe not in that order ^^
  7. Robee
    You were trapped in Barcelona?!

    I wish I was trapped in some place cool right now? It has been unseasonably hot here in 'Winter-peg'. There's usually still snow on the ground but we been having temps in the double digits for the last 2 weeks now. I hate it.

    Mind you though, I'm not crazy about Manitoba winters but still I wish it was cooler?
    I'm hesitant about breaking out my shorts and sandals; I'm afraid my legs havn't seen the outdoors since August and I'm afraid I might blind people by their pale radiance?

    I'm glad you made safe and sound sio chan.
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm sure your legs are wonderfull to behold robee even if they are all blindingly pale ^^
    See thats the thing about holiday's its only fun for as long as you want to be there and can afford it! When your trapped with no choices and no money to afford a hotel/ food then things become slightly less fun!
    I've been feeling a little down >.< I'm usually all "happy, happy, look on the bright side" kinda person but I've realised that I've just been faking it recently. I'm in serious danger of losing my job I think and finding a new one hasnt been going well (I was determined to jump before I was pushed) but that doesnt seem be a viable option any more >.< I have a meeting with my HR dept on Monday so I'm going to see what happens but still, I cant afford to be unemployed!
  9. Robee
    I'm kinda in the same boat too, without the being fired part.

    I'm a viable resource that has been continuously misused by my company.
    I tried to look for new employment but I'm overqualified for labor and under qualified for office work. It seems everywhere I applied for my attitude comes into question? But if my attitude is that bad why doesn't my company just fire me? Because I'm too good at my job, that's why.

    I too have been down lately, mostly because the direction I wish to take my life and things I have to do to accomplish them. It is a daunting task filled with uncertainty, but it must be done if I'm gonna see any light at the end of the tunnel.

    Oh well, better to try and fail than to live with a life with regret.
    That expression may sound 'cheesy' but ne'er an expression rang so true though.

    I hope you can find your solutions to your quagmire sio chan.
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    So I didnt get fired *yay* Of course if I'm absent again for whatever reason, be it sickness or a family emergency then I will go onto the next stage - meaning possible dismissal, which kinda sucks.
    Hows your job hunt going Robee? Why should attitude come into it, your good at your job and your company depends on you (takes complete advantage of you as well) but that all seems really good positive things to a prospective employer, dont you think? The most corny of expressions are the ones that tend to ring true ^^. I've been looking for a new job for months but theres nothing going beyond jobs that I would hate, like 'marketing' which means accosting people in the middle of the street and trying to sell them stuff or worse going door to door and trying to sell them stuff... I'm not going to do that!! The point of leaving a job is that your moving onto something better right?
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