aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    hiya shanna!! Glad to have you back Elric88 hope school gets better for you soon!!! Robee shooting games can be good for getting some unresolved issues off your chest :P


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me or direct to instructions on how to upload sets into threads? I created a set for kuma's set competition and now I cant figure out how to post it into the thread so people can mock my set making ability >.< Any help is much appreciated!!
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    ok I've cleaned my bathroom and I am currently gutting the place of clutter ^^ - Still need to finish the kitchen and I havnt even touched my bedroom but either way I'm being all spring cleaner ^^
  3. Robee
    I figured I clean 'my hovel' during this upcoming long weekend.
    (Like most bears do when they wake from hibernation? )
    It'll be so nice to get the bathroom to just one shade of grey again. Unlike the pitch black it was when I first moved in here.
    One thing I miss though is the vine that grew otside my windows. The new neighbors had them removed from the garden. Which is a shame because they used to grow half way over my windows. (I live on the second floor) I used to enjoy listening to the summer breeze passing through the leaves and the sounds the birds chirping away, nestled in amongst the vines but no more.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    I love that you have a hovel and I have clutter ~ yet I'm willing to bet my mess is much worse than yours!! But I have to ask why would your bathroom be pitch black when you moved in? But the vines sound nice a little touch of nature while getting to remain indoors is all good - shame its gone
    So its officially 'British Summer Time' and on Sunday it was lovely really sunny and warm Spring had sprung right>? Wrong!!!! It was SNOWING last night and torrential rain with Gail Force winds today ... now I dont mind the rain (I'm Scottish we are so used to rain we learn to love it) but the Gail Force Winds where not fun. I went for a walk this afternoon and I was genuinly afraid that I was going to be lifted up of the pavement and blown back >.< There were issuing severe weather warnings on the news because of the wind force >.>
  5. Robee
    lol...sounds like our spring so far in winter-peg?

    The last tennant of this suite didb't clean up after himself too well? Which was kind of shocking because he was a single parent of a eight year old girl. If you gonna instill some values in a child being tidy should be one of those values?
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Happy Easter all!
  7. Robee

    Things have been hetic at work with spring clean up. It is the calm before the storm and a big order is supposedly on its way. But I have my doubts? For now though I have been engaging in research and trying to lay out a 'plot progression' for one of my stories. I've been watching a documentry I found online called 'Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire'. It is a three part chronicle of the rise of the Tokugowa Rule of Japan to the invaision of America under Commadore Perry. It's pretty facinating to watch and I found it quite interesting.
  8. Everdark
    Hey so what is going on? Me not much. I am a shy person all right but it's a different story when I'm online.
  9. Starshay
    Im new...and shy. I saw this group and thought 'that's perfect!' so I joined!
  10. Everdark
    same here. lol
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