aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    corey haim died today..when I was little b4 he got huge I used to see him around..gave him a kiss on the cheek..and I remember swimming with him a few times..it's sad..

    I wish you two could come live with me when I move..no one works there yet there is still money..sigh..

    YouTube - COREY HAIM TRIBUTE RIP 1971 - 2010 TEEN IDOL back when I saw him I didn't know who he was..just that he did movies and he was really hot lol..I was just to little..he's 13 years older then me...it was just that one summer ~ gah it's sad..
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    ah poor guy, he's still so young I never saw him in anything other than Lost Boys but sounds like you knew him a little *hugs*
  3. Robee
    I like to remember him in 'The Lost Boys'; the first movie that made it cool to be a vampire. Everything after that I would chaulk it up to eighties excessiveness to squeeze the life {$$}out of good thing. I saw him in 'The Watchers' he was a good child actor but they did not let him grow up?
  4. kumakun
    yeah that was the problem..never let him grow up and get better roles..same with corey feldman..as for the watchers..lol..I had just gotten a new dog from the pound and my friend was sleeping over so we rented movies..that was one of them I was freaked out about it that for a long time...when I met Jason Prestly sp on his name I was happy to see he sill had his eyes in his head *nods*
  5. kumakun
    ok I am seriously getting mad at these people who are saying he over dosed on drugs...ok he did drugs we all know that..but he was clean..or was supposed to be..and from what the news has said he was sick with the flu/cold and taking over the counter drugs..and he was taking care of his mom who has cancer..if he was going to kill himself on purpose I'd like to think it would be AFTER his mother was either better or sadly gone...I kind of wanted to slap the thepist who said he wasn't being honest with himself..I mean the man said he was an addict for life and he had made mistakes that he was ashamed of and that he wanted to be a good man and turn over a new leaf and fix his mistakes...yeah that's not honest at all..he addmited that he basically blackballed himself ok I don't like that lady at all >.>

    I don't remember thinking he was high or whatever when I was around him but I was most likely to young to notice anyway...what I do know is that he was nice and fun and looking back on it he wanted to be happy...I was taking to a friend who was with me and they mentioned the time he had the campfire with us and made hotdogs and marshmellows...and there was a huge age difference..the man couldn't be that bad of a person if he was good to us like that..he didn't have to come and play with us..he just smiled and did it...I'm getting mad at the comments people are leaving on youtube..seriously..I mean I know he did all that **** but people aren't getting that he was a kid in the 80s that was thrown into something he wasn't ready for and then was type cast...blah
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm sick and alone and feeling sorry for myself >.< hows everyone else doing?
  7. Robee
    I've been off 'Arrin' for almost a week; my work week has been giving me a pounding as of late and I'm just getting frustrated. So, rather than take my frustrations out on my fellow Arrins' I take my frustrations out on some 'online' shooter games? It helps a little but not as effective if I just beat my co-workers with a baseball bat? Kidding!
  8. Elric88
    Hey everyone. I've been off Aarin for a few weeks now. School is such a pain >.< This rainy weather sucks and makes everything depressing too.

    Yes, shooting games help a lot with frustration
  9. Robee
    Yeah but it's not the same as hunting down someone you really despise and watch them loose control of their 'bodily functions'.

    Just kidding!
  10. shanna261
    Hi hi all sorry lots going on lately have not been on at all sence new years I missed you all what have you all been up to?
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