aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    yeah but that's a good picture of you so theres no need for the
    sorry I haven't been chatty...I've been reading everything but I've dislocated my left shoulder twice in the past two weeks so now I'm trying not to use that arm >.>
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    :omg: kuma how on earth did that happen? Are you in a cast/ sling? I hope your not in pain >.<
    Robee - thats a good pic - you look good ^^ Im not exactly 'starving' myself I'm just not eating between meals ... in theory, its mainly cause I cant afford it but today when someone in work offered me a bag of crisps along with a yumyum cake I wolfed that down cause I didnt have to pay for it >.> so not exactly a health kick more of a skin flint kick
  3. Robee
    @kumakun: OW!? How on earth did you do that? Usually I would 'quip' a joke and say "That's the first sign of Stroker's Disease.", but to do it twice that's not funny?

    @sio chan: Ahh...I try to shop 'generic' brands and do price comparrisons as well. For example, Listerine mouthwash; I didn't realize I was paying an extra .95$ for a trademark product. A trademark?! So, I switch brands that have the same medical ingredients as Listerine. It seems a little absurd that they would charge a consumer extra for something as frivolous as a trademark? Some generic products are actually used in most restaurant or food chains in my country. But there are some things I won't skimp on like tea or bathroom tissue. I refuse to wipe with a tissue that I can use to sand down a rough plank of wood later.

    Well work is insane as always; my current role is 'brain trust' of my department. Which means I do the thinking for others while others people make no effort to? It is a long convoluted place where I work and someday I hope to do my job without babysitting other people to do theirs. But it is more likely I would see another Spice Girls Reunion tour, or receive that 'penis extention' I wanted for Christmas, or even The Toronto Maple Leafs to win a Stanley Cup before that happens?
    I hope for the best which is why I'm praying for that massive stroke to strike me down as I am watching a flock of flying pigs go by.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Dont pray for a stroke!! *avert!* but the flying pigs could be fun ... you asked for a penis extention? From who? Never mind I hope your job gets better! As always, sounds like your getting used and abused by your job again *huggles*
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm drunk or maybe just tipsy I dont care anymores ... I have a crush >.< I havnt had a crush since I was 15 and fell totally unrequitedly in crushdom with a boy from my Art class. I met him tonight, he's a friend of one of my cousins fiancee, I was talking away to him and I realised I was staring at his mouth thinking "hmmmm that looks nice" *smacks head against wall* I know nothing will come of it, the next time I'm likely to see him again is at said cousins wedding which will probably be next year sometime, so instead I'm just going to wallow in the crushdom
  6. Robee
    Words of wisdom; never profess your love for someone while under the influence of alcohol. Chances are you'll never be sober enough to remember the bulls#@t you said the night before.
    I'm happy to hear you're 'crushing' on someone and it is lot better than the laundering affections of randy thirteen year old?
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    ok I'm sticking to the theory that he crashed into by accident!! No randiness involed thank you it makes it much easier to deal with seeing said 13 year old at scouts every week!
    But you right, and I never do profess any feelings whilst drinking nothing good comes from it! But thank you, ^^ I will continue to crush and enjoy it
  8. Robee
    I am currently stiff...in all the wrong places?

    Monday's work day unveiled the grim news of layoffs at the company where I work.
    But they still want to keep me hostage!
    I work for complacent, lazy buggers who just want to yoke my worth until I drop, or find someone more gullible to swallow their baloney for less my current wage!

    There's no justice?Oh well, I gotta find a new pair of workboots with support for my ankles and haircut this week.
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Lay off's are not good!! Are you going to be ok? I may be asking a daft question here but you are looking for somewhere new to work right? Somewhere that will appeciate all the hard work you put in and pay you what your worth maybe?
  10. Robee
    Yes. A job where I can be appreciated...but I'm a little too old (and intimidating) to be standing on street corners?
    Besides, I don't have the legs for skirt anymore? A kilt, yes. A skirt, defintley not.
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