aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    Ouch? That must of hurt? I still remember the pangs of the stinging sensation against my skin when I was child being hit with a rubber ball. I to remember the pain of being hit in the face and having busted glasses too.

    Yeesh...brings back fong memories when I was a 'wolf cub'-Not!
    I was a big, chubby kid. A hulking brute of a child; I couldn't do really anything then with finesse or grace. I wish I was smaller but I should be grateful I was born a 'pre-me' or else the family Lazurus Gene would have kicked in?
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    ah see this was a fully pumped up football >.< and YES it bloody well hurt! I manged to unmangle my glasses but the cuts on my nose and the developing black eye are not helping anything - and the guy I was telling you about my 'first kiss' guy who is now creeping me out - he keeps on txting me I dont know why, I've starting ignoring his texts and not answering any phone calls but that doesnt seem to be working >.<
    I being a scout! I joined Scouts when I was 11 and basically never left ^^ Now I'm a leader and rouge dodgy balls aside its just so much fun! - painfull but fun_
  3. Robee
    The unwanted suitor? Been there too, the only thing is to tell them straight out; thank you but "no thank you". In a public place with your friends for support near by. Some men cannot take a hint or just refuse to take it. Change your number and let only your family and friends know what it is. The longer you dealing with person the harder it will be to make him go away?

    or you can hope they go away?

    Just finished watching another Anime series: 'GhostHunt'.
    It's not bad, in fact it gave me a couple of ideas for an outline for a story?
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ah see I dont know if this is all in my head you know? Yes I thought his behaviour that night was creepy and weird which is colouring my opinion of the texts etc but what if he's actually just trying to be friendly? So far the texts have consisded of "Hi how you doing hunny xxx" serveral times and a few of "Going to pub tonight, fancy coming for a few?" and one of "Organising a party in a few weeks, hope you can make it? xxx" I dont know what the phone calls are about cause I've not been answering them >.< so I guess the question is - do you think I'm over-reacting? I mean I havn't been responding to the messages as I dont want in any way to perpetuate the idea he had that I was a 'back up plan' but if he is just trying to be friendly then maybe I'm being well up myself? You thinking that he would be into me cause what other reason would he have for doing this you know? And even if he does just want to be friendly ... I dont think its going to work out like that, ignoring the recent enconter I havnt seen/ spoken to him since I was 14, we dont really have anything in comment anymore and while I'm normally very willing to be friendly with and get on well with anyone I think my opinion of him is never going to change now cause of the way he behaved, its always going to be in the back of my head that all he really wants from me is a hook up ... does that make any sense >.<
  5. Robee
    A potential 'guy pal'?
    Hmm...that maybe a possibility

    But my still advise to tread lightly?
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Has realised that 'saverprice' tuna does NOT taste good ... but I'm going to eat it anyways >.< so I've bought what I hope is going to be a weeks worth of food for £8 ... I dont know if its going to last but heres hoping

    **********************EDIT************************ ******

    Ok I'm home from Scouts and thought I would share with you all the fact that a 13 year old who's almost my height copped a feel >.< by accident mind you, we where playing bear and the honey pot he was running round the circle and ran/ crashed into me with his hands out front and manged to *ahem* grab on to the left side of my chest - really hard actually it still hurts, I feel a bit bruised :sobs:
  7. mermydgurl
    Hi everyone! I'm holding a set contest if anyone would like to participate! Here's the link:
  8. Robee
    £8? My food bill for the week usually runs 20-25£ a week?
    I wish I could be that conservative when it comes to groceries?
    But I have 'junk food' habit which I'm trying to ween off?

    'bear and the honey pot'? I've heard it called many things but it's the first time I heard it called that?I'm kidding. I'm pretty sure he feels just as embarassed as you. I can't really empathize with your breast pain anymore? When I started my diet years ago I lost my 'He-Hooters' along with the excess weight. Which was rather embarassing, I could almost fill a 'B-cup'?
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yeah mine too ... I'm doing this whole buy cheap and little then survive on it thing >.< we'll see how long it lasts! Hmm I dont know if its the same for guys as girls - never really thought about it >.> Well done you!!! All that weight loss you must have worked really hard!!
  10. Robee
    I remember what one comedienne said about weight loss:

    *to the audience* "What do we hae to do to lose 5 pounds? Ladies? Starve! That's right we starve ourselves. What do men do? S**t and burp; That's it!"

    That's a very gross exagerration {emphasis on gross}; nothing can be further from the truth. I did the 'Slim Fast' thing and realized that we cannot change our eating habits readily overnight? It takes time. So, I live by a simple rule Monday to Friday my body is a temple and only good things go into it. Saturday and Sunday: SODOM AND GOMMORAH!
    Food, junkfood in particular, has always been a great sort of comfort for me but it's also a crutch for dealing with my anxiety; like my smoking habit. I have to realize that regardless of the external pressures of my life (whether they can be changed or not) I have to accept them or find more constructive ways to deal with them and keep a pack of chewing gum handy.
    ...and the final 'pay off' of this practice, me minus eighty pounds.
    I can't believe I'm posting this?
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