aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
  2. sio chan
    sio chan

    Your poems are great!! I have very little poetic skill but I'm tempted to try ... ^^


    And I have now entered a poem ^^
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    :inpain: I've eated WAY too much - I made curry and then got greedy and ate of it ... I can barely move >.<
    How are we all? My lip is finally starting to heal!! ^^ Yay!
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Happy Valentines, Happy Single Awareness Day and Happy Chinese New Year!!! so much to be happy about today huh?
  5. Robee
    Happy Valentine's Day fellow Shy Thinker's and for some of us 'hemorrhoid sufferer's'...
    Happy 'Singles Awareness Day'.

    Today, I started a new Thread too:
    What is your idea of a 'Sexy Song'?"
  6. Sinebran
    I'm back now I swear.

    I hope everyone had a good valentines day!
  7. Robee
    You're Back! She's Back!

    Well...we logged on and just found out I won the 'Anti-Valentine's Poetry Contest'. Cool!
    Today is my day off and personally I'm looking foward to going back to work. (I know that sounds sick, I thought so too?) I've bored all day and eating everything in sight; it's pathetic.
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    sinebran!!! Welcome back ^^
    Congrats Robee!! I liked your poems so well deserved win!! So your a glutton for punishment? I love my Day's off from work ^^
  9. Robee
    Just laughing at myself for my 'embarassing music' choices?
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    I hurt!!! Took a rouge dodgy ball direct to face, it crushed my glasses into my nose and eye so now I have broken glasses, a bleeding cut on my nose and a nice bruised feeling around my eye socket - Scouts is such fun!!
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