aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Arrr what is wrong with guys?! Seriously! I go out for a few drinks with friends and run into two very old (guy) friends of mine who I havnt seen/ spoken to in about 6 years, they've kept in contact with some of my other friends who where there tonight as well and this is all fine and good but one these guys and I have a 'history' if you want to call it that, I dont consider it a history as it involed me being 12 and kissing said guy, I dont consider this a big deal and to be honest I dont really remember a lot about it other than knowing that it happend and I remember thinking it was nice at the time ... ? which is fair enough, but he spent all of tonight talking about it and talking about it and asking me things about it and I was trying to find a nice way to say I DONT CARE without coming across as rude but couldnt quite find the right words ... seriously what is wrong with the guys I meet? Why does something so very minor that happened more than 10 years ago seem to be so important to him tonight? We didnt do anything other than kiss (I was 12, seriously) and its not like we ever actually 'went out' in a proper sense and we have each of us been out with other people in 'the proper sense' since then he has two kids with two different girls its not like he's been pining over me for the last 12 years. Arrrgh
  2. Robee
    I remember my first kiss; it was grade one on Valentines Day. The girl was kissing everyone that day...many years later and according to local gossip; she's done a lot more than kissing?

    What has remained in my mind about that moment was the complete innocense of that moment. There was no performance anxiety, no need to impress anyone and certainly no lingering uncertainty of tomorrow. It was a first kiss from a girl on Valentines Day for a card I gave her. It was pure and unmotivated by lacviousness or anything lustful.

    Unlike today, as adults, we worry about everything leading up to, the actual moment and what comes afterwards?! lol
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    I do remember my first kiss - it was the one he kept talking about with said guy - which is why I remember it happening and remembering it was nice at the time - because it was but it was just creepy the way he kept trying to talk about for more than an hour and then kept telling me that he was going to give me a 'walk home' not asking TELLING and the fact that I KNOW he's spent the last couple of weeks trying to hit on my (married) friend and he told her last night that if she ever wanted to she had him ... then when her husband joined us all of a sudden he's all over and creeping me out. So all I conclude is that he was either trying to make her jealous (failed miserably) or he saw me as a 'back up option' for the night cause hell I fell for it when I was young so I must still be into him right
  4. Robee
    Arrgh...talk about leaving a bad taste in your mouth?
    If this bozo is trying to 'hook up' with you then he needs to rethink his approach? As I got older (and after the death of nephew); I realise that life is too short. One of things I hate stop doing was to put up the 'shenanigans' that some fools do as a courtship ritual?
    Those two people are different now from who they were from that 'first kiss' from long ago. Needs change, behaviour and perspectives. My advice is to figure out who you two are today and see what has changed from then?
    See where it goes from there?

    I had the most bizarre dream last night? I was in a hotel somewhere in the world (Europe I think?) and I was making love to a young man that look like that Bill Kaultiz character from Tokio Hotel. It wasn't really a bad dream but more distubing than anything else? Does that make sense? Whatever.
  5. kumakun
    sio chan...kick him in the face
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Robee - yeah good advice in theory and thank you for trying to help ^^ but I'm not even remotely interested in him - I got over the pre-teen crush pretty quick and its never going to happen - trust me on that! ^^ But your dream sounds kind of interesting - weird but interesting
    kuma - that is going to be plan b if he does it again
  7. Robee
    @sio chan: or you can go the 'mace' route. I don't just mean just one of those aerosol cans; I mean one of those clubs with the big metal spines on the 'giving end' of it. You know? Something that'll drive your point home!
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    that drives the point home in more ways than one!!!
    So how are we all? My split lip is still not healing - everything I talk or smile I crack it open and its like a new wound all over again but other than that one little annoyance things are actually going alright - thinking of chopping my hair off - I'm tempted to go short again *hmmm*
  9. Robee
    I'm physically beat; a long day at work and I'm stiff in all the wrong places? A split lip? Yeeouch! How on earth did you manage that? I hope your lip gets better soon
    The worst I'm suffering now is my skin is drying out; my face looks like it has dandruff. My complexion is all red blotchy-Bleech! It's mostly because of the weather changes for Winter it has been pretty dry here?

    I usually reserve a haircut for spring or my birthday, which incidently both are next month.

    I read your post for 'Singles Awareness Day' (SAD) also known as Valentines Day: here's mine:
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ah the curse of winter skin! I managed to split the right corner of my lip in my sleep - I dont know how >.> Seems to be one my many skilled ways of hurting myself ^^
    watching tear jerkers and eating ice cream seems like a good plan to me
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