aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    best timing ever!
    I was just coming to say hello to sio since I haven't been active lately due to family drama and I find you!
    lol Sinebran I think of you in here sometimes when sio chan is talking..you sort of remind me of each other some how..

    how long are you back for? I am addicted to stupid pretty johnnys boys T^T

    lol at sio chan for being drunk again..I love your messages..sorry I haven't been around lately to answer you but if I see you on msn I'll tell you more about it..or we could just take stupid pictures of ourselves again 8D
  2. Sinebran
    Ummm I'm not sure, till whenever life whisks me away again, it's been an interesting year to say the least lol. Johhny boys? I'm so out of the loop. v.v

    how is everyone?
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    I dont get drunk often but when it happens I do just seem to feel the need to post randomness ah well
    Welcome back Sinebran!! A whole year away - there must be some stories there? I'm not sure what Johhny Boys are either but I'm assuming its a TV show>?
    @ kuma I'm on msn now if your about?
  4. kumakun
    I am about and I can't believe you don't know jiraiya~! LOL!

    johnnys..you know the japanese guy who owns all the pretty boys in japan pretty sure alice 9 is signed with him sinebran..could be wrong but I think they are..

    johnnys is a company ^^
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I remember s**t about characters I read just the general gist of the story ^^ I didnt get Fired today Yay! But I have been 'invited' to attend a meeting with HR and my Team Leader on Wednesday :dead: I'll keep you posted all
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I have an interview!! With a Marketing Company who offer Graduate Careers!! >.< I WAS not expecting anyone to actually want to interview me this soon! I've only just starting applying for other jobs! *nervous* I've to phone them tomorrow to discuss dates and stuff ohhhhh
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    my meeting at work did not go well
  8. kumakun
    what happened?
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    They had this big report about how its so very unusual for anyone to suffer this frequently and over such a sustained period as I do with migraines, about how they have to 'support' me through this by putting me through the company system which means if I'm absent even ONCE more for any reason they will get rid of me - this is not a punishment this is to encourage me to better health, they say I need to maintain my stress levels better but appreciate that with a 'minor' ailment like mine this should not have a significantly depremental impact on my life, I just have to develope better coping stategy's
    I'm in two minds about trying to get a new job on the one hand I REALLY want to jump before I'm pushed and lord know's all the 'support' I'm getting from the company is slowly having me worry myself into madness but on the other hand, do I really want to leave a company with such a bad employment record following me? Whos actually going to hire me after seeing it? Grrr
  10. kumakun
    my moms had migraines since she was 12 and when she has one shes out..like she can't even move..she gets sick and its just not something you can work through >.>

    run to your new job..RUN.
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