aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    ya I know right? thats what I said!
    I talk to nemine,designed.evil,coz,alisha,and arch like everyday but its not the same!*has a little fit*
    haven't seen coz in here..in like..a very long time
  2. unsteady
    I don't even glance at the threads, because I'm paranoid that I'll be spotted as my lurker self and condemned to a life using the "hidden" option. I'd feel kinda presumptuous just sauntering in there and positing my view on whatever topic they're discussing...appearing out of no where to say, "Well, turkey in my opinion happens to be the most over-rated meat..." or something...
  3. kumakun
    man I kept coming back thinking I was going to answer but then doing something else..sorry about that
    *goes back to her corner*
    thats what I said...yep..not weird at all..well no the only part I really said was *goes back to her corner* but they were all nice about it of course
  4. kumakun
    watched an old episode of ER one from b4 doug and carole had the twins and left..mark and doug were wrestling on a bed o_O lol I was amused and it was cute
  5. dealla
    I watched ER a bit when it aired here but that was ages ago! I remember George Clooney looking so hot..Did his character and Carol have a happy ending? I also liked Carter, he was so cute and goofy. Does anyone watch Grey's Anatomy now? Patrick Dempsey is one fine doctor
  6. kumakun
    doug ross was his character and they had twins a boy and a girl who are now in grade 3..so cute...carter was awesome I like what hes doing now with the congo and darfur..I also loved dr green oh hey did you guys know that olivia benson was on ER as a desk clerk...tottally freaked out

    hey guys in so sorry to ask but it seems like it seems like i'm not gonna get perfect for this round in the aarin conest so I wont be getting the points for my naruto game...if anyone knows anyone who would be willing to donate points I would love it cause I need about 100 000 b4 I start...people who donate can join my team if you'd like to...10,000 or so from 10 people would get us there... i would have left it but i really think i'm out of the contest now cause i can't figure out number 8 damn it! lol and same with aarin kohai..i know i wont win but it would still get a few points right?
    i really wanna do this so if anyone could donate it woulf happen faster..i feel so bad cause everyone worked so hard for thier points...its just i don't know what else to do....e-mail me..not pm if you have any question please...I love you all very much!
  7. unsteady
    I'd be happy to donate all my points (though I don't have 10,000). I'm not doing anything with them anyway. I just like to play the games...not buy cards or anything.
  8. aerofaerie
    (delurking here)*randomness* but i have to ask, its bugging me... how does that yaoi experiance level type thingamabob work?? i've noticed it goes from yaoi amatuer all the way to extreme yaoi guru or something like that.... how does that change???? *cries* im so lost and confused!!!
  9. unsteady
    That goes up with your post count.

    Edit: Here is a thread about it: Click.
  10. kumakun
    alot of people have been wondering about that too..I haven't been posting much lately so mines staying the same*pouts* If anyone has any thread ideas that you want to do but at to shy to do I'll do it for you if you want
    just cause I packed my book that had my thread ideas in them...and there aren't alot of ones I like to post in..kinda...anyways if you want me to I will anytime you don't even have to leave your name cause you can message me on msn or e-mail it or whatever

    also everyone thank unsteady for donating for my game!I love you my friend
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