aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm drunk and I dont know why I'm online because I think I should probably be in bed working on what is bound to be a fairly impressive hangover and its taken me several tries to type this out and I'm not sure how many typo's I've made - how is everyone else
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    ok I've just re-read what I posted last night (this morning?) and turns out I was right a fairly impressive hangover was waiting for me ^^ I should not go online when I've had so many drinks, ah well live and dont learn cause I'm fairly certain the next time I go out and get drunk I'm going to do exactly the same thing!!
  3. Robee
    Hello Darlings...,

    "I make a plan. Then God laughs at me."

    Is the only thought that has crossed my mind over the last month...
    Mostly because my computer got infected with a virus, probably a 'Hacker', which caused my hard drive crash. Fortunately, I do not keep anything valuable financial information or personal ID on my computer...but I lost all my Anime related material {Pictures/AMV's/ including my writing} especially my Yaoi.


    Life stinks!

    So...,I have been busy trying to replace my lost collection, rewrite my stories on a clean drive now for the past couple of weeks and right before the Holidays too? How could things get worse; I am afraid to ask-so I will not dare inquire.
    The weather is freezing here in Winnipeg; "How are thing where you are?"
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Oh hunny I'm so sorry to hear that!! I can completely understand where your coming from that sounds so awfull!! *hugs*
    But at least your last paragraph rythmes? I'm not sure if that was an intentional wimsy attempt at finding humour in the suckie situation or if that was accidental? The Weather in Scotland is cold and foggy and frosty with ice in the air *brr*
  5. Robee
    We are in an unseasonable cold snap this month, usually it is a bit warmer in the city this time of the year?
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    It started snowing today!! ^^ I snow but I hate slush and ice mainly cause I'm clumsy and I always fall and hurt my self - last year was memoralbe simply cause I slipped right in the middle of a road fell flat on my back smacking my head on the ground which dazed me and I was left lying in front of oncoming traffic ... that was scary >.>
    I think your right cities tend to be warming in comparision, but its still cold and the council doesnt salt all the city streets just the main traffic roads which is what caused my little near death moment last year. Hows your collection coming? I hope its starting to resemble its former glory *hugs*
  7. Berylcrazy

    Have a wonderful Chirstmas! Dont forget to leave Santa cookies and milk out, or he'll get ya! hehe
  8. kumakun
    Berry have a wonderful christmas too! and everyone else! lol HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! XD

    sorry to hear about your hacker robee I would have said something sooner but I'm hardly on>.>

    yo sio chan whats up? lol just had to say hey ^^

    so you know what ...I've been watching freakish amounts on trailer park boys...I think its because of their movie being released or something but its still weird to see so much of it at one time..I can go months and not even think about them lol them I see an add and go right back into it XD I don't know how they do all that stuff and not laugh like crazy people..esp if its julian talking to ricky
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hi Hi all I'm ok, seem to have a never ending noose bleed lasted about an hour so far dont know what to make of that but I'm afraid to go to sleep incase it keeps on bleeding *sorry to gross you all out!*
    Thats a gorgeous pic Berry Marry Christmas to you all as well hope you all have a wonderfull time ^^
    I never got into trailer park boys when it was shown over here, is it any good?
  10. shanna261
    Hi all long time no see. I been a bit busy with the whole christmas thing and just last week we had a party so I have not been on at all.*hides in corner* please don't be mad but the only times I been online was on facebook. Its how I keep in touch now I don't even use msn anymore now that I have skype, I hate typing so much. Anyway I got my wish everybody I am in frederiction for christmas.I get to stay here til the new year. I am so happy yay. oh time to eat supper gtg but it was good I got on at all. Hi to all new members if their r some and Merry Christmas all

    bye bye
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