aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group* I'm feeling ever so slightly delicate today >.< this is what happens when you start drinking at 7pm and dont finish until 4.40am :P was a good night, though a very drunk friend of mine declared his love for me, followed by my brother followed by my brother's girl friend (he decided that he 'wants to have her babies') and another one of my friends spent the last two hours of the night crying her eye's out and generally being a bit of a drama queen because some things where apparently said to her that she didnt like, I dont pay any attention when stuff like that happens, and my youngest brother kept calling my other brother in a drunken stupor having decided that he was angry at his friends and was going to walk the 4 miles home to his house from the town centre where he was out on the town why do the majority of my nights seem to end with me feeling like the responsible one? I never have as much to drink as everyone else and end up looking after them alland making sure that they stop drinking and get home safe *eye roll* its my own fault I cant help/ stop myself from doing it ^^
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group* so How are we all? I'm pretty miseralbe to be honest just a build up of crappy stuff and all I want to do is sleep for a week and let the world leave me alone for a little while
  3. Berylcrazy
    Im not good, im sick, again and its raining non-stop here, im realyy dizzy and have bad cough
  4. kumakun
    feel better berry!~
    I'm alive so I guess I'm good..same as always anyway..what ever thats worth lol

    I love hok an d-trix YouTube - Quest Crew's Hok And D-Trix On Ellen
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    feel better berry!
    I guess being the same means that your not any worse? Hopefully everything will start to get better Kuma *hugs* Yay for ABDC
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    so how are we all? I managed to develop a sore throat and a cough by not leaving my house for 4 days ... *sigh* I'm feeling all depressed again I just seem to get sick all the time right now ah well what are you going to do? Not get sick - ah the perfect answer!! :P
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    I cant believe its now the first of December!! I've already seen some homes with christmas trees in the windows. I'm going in for my meeting with Occupational Health as set up by my work which is ever so slightly nerve racking but what is worse is that my Dad's going in to Hospital tomorrow afternoon for his op thursday morning and I cant see him till thursday night >.< I'm nervous for him
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I went to see my Dad tonight, he went in for his operation at 12.15pm and didnt come back to his ward till 5.30pm when I went to see him is was so strange seeing him drugged and hooked up to a saline bag and an oxygen mask and he was so pale and groggy from the drugs. But at least I know he is ok, I was driving myself crazy today not knowing what was happening or how he was. He's not going to be discharged till Monday at the latest so if I'm not on for a while you all know why! Hope everyone's ok its getting pretty quite in here
  9. mermydgurl
    Hey everyone. It's been a while since I said anything here.
    @Beryl, I hope you are feeling better! I hate feeling sick.
    @Sio, I hope you're dad is doing better too.

    Well, I could be doing better. My family just tried taking out a house loan, and now we think we got scammed because we haven't gotten the loan yet and the person that supposedly was going to give us the loan backed out. Now we don't know what to do. We've talked to the FBI, since it is an international problem. (The loan company is located in Canada. Now my mom and sister are and I'm just like I told them that something like this might happen, but they didn't listen. So now we're stuck... if only I knew what to do...
    How's everyone doing today?
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Damn mermydgurl that sounds awfull!! What how does this affect your home? I hope things arent too bad just now and I dont think there is anything you can do except be there for your family for moral support *huggles* It sounds like a big deal with the FBI and everything being involved surely they'd know what to do to help right?
    My dad is doing very well now thank you!! He's essentially stuck in his house for the next 3 weeks at least because he cant manage to walk about that well yet but he's recovering well all things considered
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