aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    oh it might have been from the cbc..I forget to look to see sometimes...sorry>_<;

    how is everything
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Not to worry I'm ok tired and all 'womens problems' *cough* but other than that all good out tomorrow for my brother's gf birthday I havnt got her a bday gift (mainly cause I cant afford it but I'm hoping that she wont mind
  3. shanna261
    Got the flu shot a few days ago now I am stuck with the flu oh joy
  4. kumakun
    sorry to hear you got sick anywayT^T

    guys pic a mascot from the animes you love..like kumagoro from gravi and kiro from cardcaptors and such ...thank you~
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm sorry to hear that shanna! I always thought it was strange that the shots given to protect you from the disease had to essentially infect you with it first >.< wierd medical mystery
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    ok I'm shattered from my night out so tired but other than that had a good night it was nice to go out and just have fun and not be stressing over life and stuff
    So a mascot? ummm I like kumagoro from gravi I also like suzuki san from Junjo Romantica, hope that helps?
  7. kumakun
    good you had a good time out without worries

    er well I was going to make a cake with yaoi mascot things that's why I asked I already said kuma but I guess hes a favorite?
  8. Robee
    Just to let everyone know that I am alive just depressed.
    My life has been hectic, my job has been draining the life from me and I'm generally feeling sorry for myself.
    I have lived my life sacrificing my feelings for others, being subserveant for others and what do I have to look foward to that I can call my own? Nothing.

    Sometimes I wish I was born stupid, irresponsible and straight like my older brothers. At least then I can cope with these feelings in a veil of ignorance and alcoholism.
    I just want to cry sometimes. Not because I want to because I need to. Even if it doesn't change the world tomorrow, it'll just make me feel better for now.
    Thank you for letting me bend your ear.
    I hope this feeling passes soon.
  9. kumakun
    I've been the same way and I think everyone in here has at some point..or maybe I shouldn't say everyone but damn near close to everyone has..I get hurt alot because I do what people need me for and its draining and I get nothing inreturn..though I don't have to help people I want to because when I'm in trouble I want someone there..I'm sorta pissed off now >.>

    as for the drinking I think the same thing sometimes but I know not to so I do and I never will so I'm stuck thinking...it really sucks..

    I hope you feel a little better soon cause we love you
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Sends my love to Robee, I can sympathsise to the sense that sometimes I just feel hopeless, I hope this feeling passes for you real soon hunny and you know you can talk to all of us here whenever you want to dont feel bad for sharing how your feeling *huggles*
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