aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    sorry to hear that sio chan sadly I'm one of those crazy people who yell but say sorry and say it was wrong of me and by that time I'm almost in tears lol its not right to yell at people like that and I always say sorry even if I didn't get to crazy lol once the person was like no no its ok you didn't say anything rude I understand...poor person
  2. Berylcrazy
    aww :hugs: for sio chan, ya i use to get upset like you did but now adays i just have anger O.o wrathful anger XD
  3. kumakun
    I am so pissed off at so many people it's not even funny and they don't even notice...be scarry when they do figure it out though...I laugh in anticipation

    oh I just wrote a whole thing on blogs but had to erase it because I got really nasty and **** whatever.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thanks, I was just angry at myself for letting it get to me, I've been yelled, sworn at and threatened by customer's before and I've always kept my calm and never let it bother me but this one thing happened and I dont know what happened it just pushed me over! I'm just focusing on 'karmic vengence' someone who gets their kicks from reducing a service advisor into a shaking mass of tears is obviously due some bad stuff his way, I'm not so much with the wrathful anger like you beryl but I take condolance in someone getting whats coming to them in order to balance what they put out there, but I think your right anger is better than tears ^^
    Dont worry about yelling at people to much Kuma it's just a matter of perspective and attitude and at least you apoligise afterwards *hugs* I'm sorry your so upset but I'm still willing to bet a kuma on the warpath will be a scary thing! I hopey you ok and it all works out *hugs*
  5. kumakun
    omg sio chan after we were talking I was looking for stuff and found this YouTube - sasuke & sakura - misery
    there is another person out there who was around when this song was popular and likes naruto!

    side note this song was almost a scandle amoung some people as it was written by scott for a girl but I don't think I cared much about it..they were teenaged boys of course they would like girls and feel bad when they can't be with them..
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Oh wow that video was so sad! I though the song was sweet unrequited teen love who hasnt experianced that?
  7. kumakun
    well scotts wasn't unrequited but it works for the video
  8. Aeli
    i'm shy to, well maybe not on here but meet me in person or talk to me over the phone for the first time and i'm really shy and quiet.
  9. Berylcrazy
    Privit! welcome to shy thinkers group im kinda the same, but once you get me talking i almost dont stop and kumkun if i may ask, why you pissed?
  10. kumakun
    welcome to the group!I'm kumakun and its nice to meet you!
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