aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Shanna I'm so sorry to hear that, what happened? Feel free to talk to me or anyone here about anything, thats what we're here for, I dont think kuma would mind but if you'd rather not post it all here you can send a pm to me or anyone else you want to. Hope your ok
  2. kumakun
    shanna sio chan is right ..please feel free to let it out..we'll all listen and try to help anyway we can

    also yeah I have like 100 sets..I switch them up sometimes..I thought that set was uber pretty so I used it XD

    but yeah no worries you can talk about it
  3. mermydgurl
    Hey everyone! I just joined the group. I'm kinda shy. Well, on here it's easier. But I still don't know what to say sometimes. I am shy though, especially when I meet new people. I don't know what to say to them, other than hi. umm... here we go I don't know what to say again. I guess that I like to think too. I spend most of my time thinking. I guess it fits since I want to be a writer. Well, I guess that's it. Gosh, I wrote so much, that I probably won't come off as shy. Ahh well, I really am! (and yes, I know I said I guess a lot.)
  4. shanna261
    Ok first Mermydgurl welcome to the group its always good to see new ppl here

    So where do I start um friday I was home sick with a migraine and my sister mindi calls(those who do not know mindi she is my sis the one that always gets me to babysit no matter if I am sick or not and I always give in) So I agreed to babysit on one condication I sleep the whole night with no questions asked so Mindi agreed.

    I woke up around 3 in the morning hungry so I raided the frudge and went online to talk with a friend thats only on at that time and talk for three hours making it 6 am so I called mindi then to find out what was up she told me she be home in the next two hours I was pissed by then and its not easy to get me mad but Min always able to do the impossible.When she does make it home,I ask for my pay she's like I spent it on my date last night but I think there may be ten dollars left do u want that.

    Can you believe the nerve of that girl and I could not say anything I wanted to coz the kids were up so I let it go and was brought home at 8 in the morning.and I freaked then. in 8 am I scream and yelled so the whole house knows I was like u know what time she got home! A half a hour ago ! and I get ten dollars for twelve hours!so guess what I had enough thats enough!thats it no more I can't take it anymore!I'm on strike if she calls I am on strike and refuse to talk with her that final!

    Let's just say I scared everyone to death Marg said something like shan that good get it out but do u have to yell at us we are not the ones you are mad at.And I was like sorry it just happened i did mean it to go that far.I ate my pancakes and went to bed.

    The next day was supposed to be the day I went for my vacation I did not make it coz the ppl i was going to stay with got a family emergy so I was stuck home once again this is the 3rd time I tryed and it will be the last if the want me to come up they call me.

    Sunday goes by no problems but monday thanks giving supper Penny comes down and tells me Mindi called and wants me to call her after I eat. I choked on whatever I had in my mouth and swallowed and then freaked out at Penny I feel so bad about that now I told her mindi is not even supposed to know I was home I told her I was going away and I went on and on poor Penny.

    I decided not to call her and went to sleep so Mindi calls again and janet answered and told her I am on strike and min told me to grow up and so on at the time I did not care but the next day min calls again and janet made me talk min said a lot of bad things then like I need help or maybe need to find Godcoz all she was calling for is to wish me happy thanksgiving so then the tears came after the phone call of course would not let min now that

    Mindi is tricky she could be saying all this to confuss me to make me feel guilty I don't know anymore all I know is I have been through enough but I guess someone thought it was not enough coz today I got bad news.

    Lacy my baby sis called 8 this morning and had bad bad news. My sis is in rehab at least she was. She told me if she stayed there she would of killed herself, and that she drank again witch means the goverment is no longer going to help her meaning she is now homeless.As much as I would like to help I can't.
  5. Berylcrazy
    well hun, im proud you got out of that entrapment of your sisters! my dad goes through that with people all the time and it pisses me off that he wont stand up for himself >.< umm for the rest, im not sure i dont know who alot of these people are but maybe you could...call someone? see i dont know know canandain laws, they just let people roam around homeless if they drink? send her to therpist maybe?:S V.V im not sure if you need someone to talk to hun, you can talk to me if you want, im willing to listen
  6. kumakun
    shanna I'll look into a few things and get back to you tonight..friday night...my mom knows someone who was in that situation and yeah things worked out right away..its almost 3 and I have to get off of here and mom is sleeping so I can't ask but I will as soon as I can!

    I somehow had the thought she wanted you to babysit on thanksgiving lol thats why e-mail works for me..and also texting XD
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Shanna I'm so sorry! Dont let your sister Mindi guilt trip you into doing anything I think your completly right to refuse to eal with her until she apoligises properly to you and you can forgive her, I so sorry about your younger sister I hope she's ok but I dont know what you can do to help her beyond be there for her ... I'm sorry I cant help hun but I hope talking about helps?
    Hello mermydgurl I'm glad to have you here and I hope you feel comfortable talking away to us about anything you want ^^ who says that writers cant be shy?
  8. mermydgurl
    Hey everyone. First of all, thanks for the greetings. Second, Shanna, I am sooo sorry that you're going through this. I can relate some what. I think that you should stay strong about the whole not talking to her part. I know it tears you up inside, but you are going to have to do in order for you to get her to appoligise. If that makes you feel horrible, try talking to her when she's in a reasonable state of mind. Try to explain, as hard as it is, in a calm voice how much you don't appreciate being used like that only to recieve ten dollars. As cruel as this is going to sound, she will start getting desperate to have someone babysit. If you stand firm, it will force her to realize what she's been doing to you. As for your other sister, the most it seems like you can do know is just try and find another support group, or a homless shelter for her. I know that it's going to be hard, trust me. I have five family members that are alcoholics. I know the pain you're going through. The biggest Lacy is going to need is someone to talk to right now. Even if your preoccupied by Mindi. I hope this helps, and I hope it didn't sound too cruel. I just know how it feels to be in that situation, both having relatives that don't see what their doing and having them be alcoholics. Good luck, Shanna, I hope it all works out for you.
  9. shanna261
    No Merydgurl you are right I think tough love is in order I am the oldest in the family I always fall on my disabity but its time I grow a back bone. If I want the respect I want I will have to earn it So now I have a plan I am telling Min I am a disabled person a person living in a home so that means I can not even take propare care of myself so how does anyone expect me to care for 3 small kids all under the age of ten. Me falling down the stairs a few weeks ago proves that. And if she does not listen to me Merg said maybe I can go to the walfare she will have to listen to them when they see what type of person my sister is getting to babysit her kids. I know thats cruel but if it comes to that I will do it with the support of the staff here so I don't back out.

    As for lacy maybe a family group is the answer for her its the only thing we haven't tryed.

    In happier news I am in a good mood Elianne is done exams and we got to talk with helped more then I thought. Janet thought I needed a pick me up so I have free tickets to the movies so I am going to a horror flick this weekend maybe sunday night I going to see the stepfather anybody see it its a remake but it caught my eye so thats the one I picked
  10. mermydgurl
    I'm glad that I could help. I agree that taking such measures might seem cruel, it might just be the push Mindi needs. I hope that with Lacy, a family group is the answer. If one less person stops drinking, it will be a little more hope for the world. I'm glad that you got the tickets. Have fun and enjoy. You need it.
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