aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. AAA83
    Hmmm. I clicked post and it just loaded and loaded... I hate my computer sometimes...
    @DarkDweller. Yep. That's why I never did well in class. I never did my homework. I was good at it, but got way too bored.
    @Shanna Glad it's not broken. You're right. If you're sleeping a lot, you need it. Hope you feel better and have a great vacation!
    @Berylcrazy Ouch! I have a kid, so I know what that's like. Noodles, cheerios, chips, you name it, I've prob. stepped on it. Maybe I shouldn't let her eat in the living room anymore... What really stinks is goatheads. Those sharp little evil plant things that hide in the carpet. I hate them!
  2. shanna261
    I must have the worst luck ever the day of my vacation I caught the flu and have been down and out sense then I wanted to be there for thanksgiving hoply I will still make it wish me luck I will need it.
  3. DarkDweller
    good luck shanna!!
    and i hate school soooo much!!!! >,< am stuck with homework everyday so i cant come here much anymore! *cries* i wish i had a long vacation, for 2 months...at least...*sighs*....are there any cat lovers here??
    and hows everybody doing lately?
  4. kumakun
    lets all send some good luck to shanna

    I'm a cat lover...the cat I have right now is a ninja..and he also hates me >.> but whatever>.> why do you ask? also theres pix of my cats in my albums ^^
  5. kumakun
    aarin was on my page again...it seriously makes me paronoid >.> is that even spelt right? who cares >.>
    also I wrote in my blog to see what it would look like..I don't think I'll do it much but I thought I'd do it once..anyone else doing their blogs?
  6. AAA83
    I haven't done anything with mine. I used to blog on MySpace, but always felt weird about it for some reason afterward and deleted it. Or when it was about outdated stuff... Sad thing is, I can't think of anything to write about!
  7. DarkDweller
    ummm...just asking before talking about cat...stuff *zips mouth* u dont wanna know <<

    well, guys, am having the crappiest day of my life!!!!!!!!! D; *sighs*
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello all again! Good Luck Shanna *sends out the vibes* Hope you make it for Thanksgiving ... when is thanksgiving? Am I right in thinking its about celebrating the subdigation of the native American by the British Coloinalists? Its not something we celebrate here, probably because being 'technically' British we have well deserved Guilt associations
    I've not blogged at all on arrin all I would end up doing is ranting about whatever is going wrong and I do that allready here ^^ plus like you AAA I wouldnt have anything to write about ...
    Whats going on DarkDweller? Anything I can do? *hugs*
    I'm in a financial cul de sac, I've had my first ever 'collections letter' for outstanding funds, bloody banks they send me a letter telling my the terms and conditions of my account have changed last month and this month I get a letter telling my I'm now in breech of the t'n'c *sigh* I had to phone the office and be condesended too my the collections advisor who wants to me to clear the entire balance of my account or face 'further action' so now I need to transfer my entire saving's account into my overdrawn account or face a full blown debt collector ... I dont want to be a grown up Remember when all you used to worry about was getting your homework done for the next day and trying to stay up past your bed time? I want to go back to that time
  9. kumakun
    I don't want to be grown up either sio chan T^T
    something was going on with my card not long ago and I had to go fill everything out twice incase someone had put on of those things in the machines that scans your card or whatever >.>

    and I just had the game playing full blast in my ears...I have weird tatse in music

    canadian thanksgiving is different..not even the same month as the americans...plus we are still with the queen..she's our head of state<- that aways sounded weird to me

    I haven't slept and that most likely doesn't make sense but anyways its for different reasons...ah I don't want to talk about it cause I feel like I might have a fight with someone or something but please feel free to talk about it if you guys want tho..I mean what you're going to do and such ^^
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm sorry your feeling off kuma, hope you get some sleep soon! We have that bank scam going as well on along with id theft and everyhting its a funny old world how people can make money off of someone else ...How is Canadian Thanksgiving different? Is it to celebrate something else? Do you still do the big fancy meal with all the trimmings? *Looks forward to expanding my mind with world Knowledge ^^*
    Is the fighting mood related to the whole Queen thing? I'm Scottish, the majority of folk I know see no purpose to having an Royal figure head with spoilt aristocracy who take a large proportion of our taxes to live in luxary, arent elected and dont actually have any power or say in how the country is run >.< it makes me angry and I could rant about it for ages but I wont ^^ People feel free to disagree with me if you want ...
    Or is the mood coming from the Thanksgiving thing? hmm either way a kuma on the war path sounds scary!
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