aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Berylcrazy
    Oh im okay, i was sick last week and missed a few days so i got slave work to catch up on ugh i hate math i dont even know the times table fully i just take the umm..."lower math class if you get my differt* i've only had ONE math class and it was my freshmen year i will have it next smester though >.> My legs hurt for some reason :s dont know why, i've been streching :S ugh >.<
  2. AAA83
    It's all good. I had to take algebra like four times. I dont' think I ever memorized times tables either. Just the easy ones...
  3. shanna261
    Hi everyone how r u all doing I hope u r all well. I wish I could say the same for me I had a acciedent this weekend remember when I said Mini is trying to kill me well it has began.I was sitting for the kids when she arrived home and rang the bell so I had to let her in well I didn't make it coz I triped and fall down the stairs landing on my arm meaning no typing for a while so if I am not on don't worry just recovering which also means no babysitting. bye bye everyone going to watch ncis.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Shanna!!! I'm so sorry you got hurt like that - I'm just glad it wasnt worse falling down stairs can end up really badly *cringe* I hope your ok hun and your arm heals up fast *sends good vibes*
    Beryl I'm glad your feeling better dont stress too much about trying to catch up fast that might just end up making you feel ill again! Yay triple a, lots of people who admit to not knowing the times table!! Me too! If I sit and think about it then I usually get it right but I cant recite them from the top of my head and sometimes *ahem* (I use my fingers and count) *said in a very small voice*
    Good luck on the rest of your exams Saylyn!
    I'm allright I'm taking abuse at work because I'm refusing to work more than 10 hours overtime a week from now on - I'm a student and I'm panicing my way through last minute studies but no works really busy and understaffed and everyone is expected to 'pull their weight for the team' grrr so now I'm getting lots of snide comments about the "part time workers" and how my opinion and contribution doesnt count ah well
  5. saylyn
    That's just unfair Sio Chan! People should appriciate part timers more, 'cause they might have new and fresh ideas :o

    Oh and thank you, I got plenty more to go, but I'll survive (now I got that song in my head!)
  6. Berylcrazy
    An hour ago i was walking around the couch and i stepped on a broken rigatoni noodle, omg it was really sharp and made a deep cut in my foot so now im lipping around with my skelton cane feel old now. @Shanna: aww hun *hug* im sorry that happened, did you break your arm?O.o at least it gives you an excuse from babysitting hehe
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yeah I'm classed as part time as I work 25.5 hours a week add in the 6 - 10 hours overtime I'm doing and I like to think that I'm doing enough to contribute to the team work effort but neh
    Ouch Beryl that sound bad! I hope your ok, I cant believe a piece of noodle could do that much damage!
  8. DarkDweller
    @berylcrazy: thanx for the welcome! and a noodle can do that!? 0.0 I need to be more careful around them....<.<

    @AAA83: lol, me neither, never really liked it so I never did, I always use a calculator XD

    @shanna261: I hope u recuparate soon! and take care of urself! *hugs*

    @siochan: u work a lot, people dont really appreciate anything nowdays *shakes head* dont worry though, ur not alone! we're here for u!

    well.....umm...havent been here in like 1 day, was it?? << well, I havent been that good, school stressed is eating me right now >.< am trying to keep up with so much work everyday, gosh, but its way too hard! oh but the good thing is that tomorrow am disecting a cat! XD oh I hope it'll be fun!!

    it seems like most of u HATE math,lol, and I LOVE math!! i think its way easier than any other subject...like history, i loath history! I like number much more!
  9. saylyn
    Oh history! I love history, I study the subject like mad
  10. shanna261
    There is no more pain so I hope its healed I went to the doctor this week she says its not broken still brused tho but its ok.I still can't believe how much I am sleeping. I guess its needed at least the arm is healed just in time for my vacation or more like get away,for my family shush it will be our lil secert.
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