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The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I haven't since I had to use it in school....and the only thing I remember is "I do not like to play baseball" I think I said that to berry once XD
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    In Japanese? Thats more than I can say in French *impressed*
    I'm so sleey I think all the meds I'm on are having this weird effect of making feel exhausted but not actually allowing me to fall asleep >.< Ah well how is everyone else doing this fine evening? ^^
  3. DarkDweller
    .....hi...just joined the this group today, am a girl, and am super shy, have been ever since i was born i guess, well not really, just since I entered middle and high school. I WANT to not be shy but thats impossible to me, Ive tried so many times but it never works....when a new year starts i make a resolution that i would try to talk in class and not be shy but when i see all the people who i dont know i just back down to my shy self, and the worst part is that when the teacher asks me questions i blush so hard everyone notices, i know bc ive been told by friends and i literally feel my face getting warmer....and my voice quivers..i get super nervous/shy....it actually depresses me though, i feel outcasted, and leftout by everybody else...I have always been labeled the "smart girl/quiet girl" bc of it and havent made any friends, ive made some good girl-friends, but not many guy-friends...There are times when I wish i could stay at home and not go to school or outside the house anymore....my life is depressing most of the time but my family doesnt really know about it bc they make me forget about my problems once i come home but once i am by myself my head starts turning....though i dont want them to know bc it would just cause them troube/pain...i should stop dumping all this stuff on u guys...I joined bc it aroused my interest and wanted to see how u guys got urself out of ur shyness or if ur trying to..
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello and welcome DarkDweller *waves* I used to be the same as you, I oculd never cope well with having a lot of people paying attention to me all at once, in school whenever we had to read a report or stand up in front of the class I would start shaking to bad thta everyone could see it, and my voice would shake as I was talking and my face would turn bright red I didnt have a lot of friends in primary school (elementary if your non-UK) and in the early years of Secondary School (11 years - 14 I guess Middle School?) I was bullied and made fun of for being the 'smart girl' and becasue I was so quiet I guess I was an easy target, I cant really give you advice because everones situation is different but I think you should talk to your family about this, I used to talk to my Mum about everything and even though she couldnt do anything to stop it it gave me someone to vent to and it meant I knew I had my families support with everything. I never had any real school friends till I was about 14 and all the classess changed, we were put into classess dependant upon our test scores and aptitude so I was put into class with other kids who where like me, they liked school they liked trying to get good marks and it made things a lot easier and it was just trying to make that first friendly gesture even if it was all related to school work. You said that you had some good girl-friends thats a big step just hang out with them as much as you can and enjoy their company and your friendships, you dont need to worry about guy-friends that just comes in time , you dont say how old you are but I can tell you honestly that I didnt have any guy-friends at school till I was 17 and thats only because by that point we had all matured beyond the 'ohh talking to a girl are you two nipping' stage.
    I think your doing just fine I least your trying and it doesnt matter that you get nervous when answering a question in class, the best answer I can give you is just try not to let it isolate you completly, everyone feels down and I still go through moments when I'm completly left out simply because it didnt occur to my friends to include me, but I'm getting better at pushing myself forward and asking to be included in asking to meet up with them all, essentially the more experience you have the easier it gets as you get older. It never completly gos away but you stop thinking about it so much and start to realise that there are other things in your life like work, study and hanging out with your close friends that love you regardless
  5. kumakun
    yo!kakashi style

    you're still in highschool right? if you go to collage or whatever I bet you'll make more friends since its a whole new place and you have dorms and whatnot...even if you don't talk first whoever you are rooming with will say something..and it would be easy to just say "hey,I'm sorry if I seem distant or whatever I'm just really shy." or something to the same value..

    I never had a problem making friends even tho I'm shy..my loud spazzyness over rides it so even if I'm freaking out no one notices...I'm really loud and sarcastic (once in history class my teacher asked me something and I didn't know the answer so I told him xena did it o_O; )

    my weirdness helped out alot cause I'd think of weird things to do and people would come to me...they'd be like "oh what is she doing now lets go see!"

    no one tried to bully me ever cause I have a temper like no ones business and they all knew it...I've been told its like watching vegeta go super seiyan lol but less violent since I didn't actually fight anyone...just oh shes mad run away!

    when I see a shy person I always try to include them in whatever I'm doing because I don't want them to feel bad about themselves...I dunno I'm shy but no one believes it EVER >.>

    anyways we'll help you anyway we can and theres guys in this group so even if you don't make guy friends in real life right away they will be around *nods*
  6. DarkDweller
    @sio chan: I cant really go to my family and tell them how I am super shy and that I am an outcast in school, am sure my mom would get worried about it, and well, she might be skeptical about it because she knows how am super loud in the house, am always horsing around with my brother and being loud, and just super hyper....I do think sometimes that I have a double personality becasue I am one certain person in school and another in my house, whatever I do in my house is the opposite of what I do in school...I do try not to isolate myself but this year I am outcasted again, I have this class where I dont talk to anyone and no one talks to me either, only when we're in the labs but its only bc we're in groups and we HAVE to talk to each other, but we're not friends, just lab partners....more like in all of my classes, i dont talk to anyone..
    And well answering questions I just HATE it bc, well besides being shy, english is my second language so that makes it much worse bc i have an accent, i believe, and sometimes i cant even say certain words..which doesnt help much..
    thank u for the support though, what u said actually helped me, and no am no-UK like u said, and in the USA.

    @kumakun:lol, i like ur kakashi style
    yeah, am still in high school..sucks...but am graduating in a few months...well the thing is am NOT going to college, theres just no way...when i get out of high school am gonna go straight to working..
    lol, by what u say u dont really seem like a shy person, bc ur funny and all...Ive seen many funny people in some of my classes and they arent shy at all.

    I've never been bullied but I have been like excluded when I was younger, like when i was in PE and two captains were choosin people, and when i ended up being the last picked it made me feel pretty bad...even now it still occurs when teachers say to choose groups, I dont know who to go to because i dont talk to anybody, and then the teacher has to put me in a group where everybody is friends and they talk just amongst themselves...
    I do have some pretty good friends now but we're not in any classes together, just one, but we're separated...sucks...

    Thanks for the support u guys are awesome!!! (:

    well...ummm...how are u guys doing today?
    I am not doing so good, I didnt go to school because I was in a car crash... ):
  7. shanna261
    Hi everyone and any of you that are new a big welcome sorry I have not been on lately I have been busy babysitting and being really sick.Don't worry I am fine now I have happy news too by next year my computer will be all payed off what a relief that will be. Those of you that are wondering how the wedding went it was great I had a wonderful time and danced even with people I realized that I am not the only one worried that people may be looking at me weird there were tons at the wedding like that so I ralized and had a good time. I even meet someone but chances that we will meet again are slim to none but she was nice and fun to dane with. She had trouble remembering my name and said something like the only way I remember you is because I am the cute one with the beautiful smile.So I told her my nickname from when I was a kid (thanks to my baby sis) shanna banana I hated being called that but it stuck and even at the age of 18 lacy still calls me it along with the rest of the family to my dismay. So I gave them nicknames too Lacy Lu Lu and for Mindi the slave driver Skiny mini Even being sick I still have too babysit Live can be so cruel sometimes Shush its our lil secert that I called mini a slave drive if see were to find out she would kill me lol one more week and it vacation time yay can't wait.
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Darkdweller are you ok? Car crashes are scary! Hope your ok, I dont think its a double personality a lot of people act differently in different situations when your at your most comfortable and at ease thats when you can relax and just be yourself but when your feeling under pressure and isolated then of course you'll act differently! Dont worry about that at all *hugs*
    Shanna's back! glad you had a good time afterall, and who knows if you met someone you liked and they thought you where cute maybe you will get to see them again I hope you feel better soon!
  9. saylyn
    Uhm, hello, I read shy and knew this was the club for me. I just recently started to make better use of this account, so please be gentle with me
  10. DarkDweller
    @shanna261 : thanks for the welcome, Ive only been to a wedding twice, but the first time was when I was really young so I cant remember and the second time I went i didnt talk with anyone, no surprise there...glad to know that u had a good time and met someone though

    @sio chan: yeah, am alright, I was driving and my brother was sitting in the passenger seat, but we didnt get any injuries, just the car got pretty wrecked...It was super scary though, since I was the one driving I had to talk to the other guy who I hit, I was shaking pretty bad but we talked and then I had to call my mom, and then I broke down crying...and well my relationship with my dad is not the best ever, there were times when i didnt love him as a father u know, bc of the way he acted, and today he was out working two hours away and my mom called him and told him what happened and he came from work and found me sleeping the shakiness off, and when I woke up he stared talking to me and made me cry over his loving words, and I actually saw how misty his eyes got..the only good thing about the accident is that it made me realize how much he truly loves me... Ive never been in an accident myself and I never really thought it would happen to me, it was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me...thanks for worrying though, really, am alright, just shaky thats all
    *hugs back* ur right, its musnt be a double personality i just react to my different environments differently right? my day stared horrible and then it went ok i guess, and now just a few minutes ago I saw a maggot...oh gosh, i hate those! it acually made me squeak..and i never do that....that second most horrible thing of my day...lol, i think today was like a friday 13 for me! XD

    @ saylyn : hi, I just joined yesterday, so am pretty new too...welcome to the shy community...
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