aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Kairakichi
    Hi AAA83. ^^ Sorry that I haven't been talking much, college is getting to me. U.U
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hi there AAA83 wow so your like the 'ringer' coming in to get us on track again? ^^ We did seem to decend into nothing but me posting the random unlucky stuff that life hits me with which lets face no fun for anyone to read but hopefully we can start talking about other things with everyone again
  3. kumakun
    yep sio saved us and robee too...I wonder what hes up to

    anyways my friend and I are addicted to msn puzzles and I may or may not threaten her when she takes my pieces XD

    also I've been watching alot of ramsays kitchen nightmares and am now swearing even more then I used to...its like every other word....and its not that I like it either its just what happens when I watch that show tho I don't do it in public...I bleep myself out.. I actually say bleep
  4. AAA83
    OMGosh I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry guys. Bleep... It's all good. I actually randomly say 'spoon' a lot. It's a long relatively boring story why.
  5. kumakun
    you didn't mean what in what way? you're right its all good \(^_~)V

    lol well long and boring never stops me so its ok to talk about whatever you want
  6. AAA83
    Um, I guess I didn't mean to come off as trying to take over or something. I'm just a huge ppl pleaser I guess. Um, well, if you wanted to know, my sister and I wrote a story. A very long story with many many sequels. Okay, 3 or 4 isn't that many, but... She put me in it. In the story, I'm the smartest stupid person you'll ever meet. It's hard to explain. But I say spoon all the time in the story, and it stuck. It's also where I got my nickname. I'm AAA, or TripleA, in the story.
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    lol you actually say bleep? See I dont really swear so much out loud I tend to keep it censored to just my head comes from growing up with my family - but sometimes when I'm tired, stressed or drunk and it just slips out completely unintentionally! I remember once when I was drinking in a pub with my Dad and I had just said the 'f word' and he turned on me like you would not believe! Made me apologise to the entire table of people we where sitting with and still didnt talk to me for an hour afterwards *sigh*
    I think a lot of people have words or phrases that they just say and is just a part of how they talk, one of my best friends says "Like you know what I mean?" all the time before and after every sentance, another one of my friends says "Like that" after everything he says - at least yours is fun AAA says spoon ^^
    So your a character in your own story? Thats pretty cool what kind of story are you in?
  8. Berylcrazy
    TripleA welcome here too! and Kairakichi i LOVE your avatar i loved that guy from Cybrog009, i kinda had a crush on him as a child
  9. AAA83
    @ sio chan
    Actually, it's been a four year joint effort with my little sister. It's complete and total random senseless prattle. I don't think even after four (or was it five?) stories we even have a plotline. She's dropped (quite literally) everyone frome Willie Nelson and Harry Potter to Sherlock Holmes and Auron into it.
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    ok ... what is with the black forum?
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