aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yay for holidays ^^ Hope you have a lot of fun Shanna, when is it you leave?
    Welcome Kairakichi glad to have you here I shall now have to start spamming you as well ^^ (although if you dont want me too I'll stop)
    Yay for Kuma *cheers* theres nothing wrong with feeling upbeat, enjoy the natural high, and your right this group does bring people out of themselves a lot, lot at me ... didnt post anywhere or talk to anyone for years untill I joined this group and now I almost stalk the place *sorry*, but I love it here *gets comfy* I would love for another kuma ramble ^^
    Sorry I didnt ask you direct about the spoiler thing, tbh it didnt even occur to me to ask! I thought I remembered seeing a 'forum function thread' somewhere that told everyone how to do it and I was driving myself crazy trying to find that thread I got weirdly obsessed with trying to track it down that eventually I posted the cry for help here >.< its not good that I focused so much on such a small thing is it?
  2. kumakun
    no no I mean sorry for a being a downer for awhile but again I say we should all be scared when I am happy o_O;

    lol well sio I do the same thing when I want to figure something out...unless I'm on here...then I ask poor izume or someone else..but mostly izume
    but if you didn't like it here we might have closed it when I wanted to and so I thank you

    omg you guys this twitter thing is going to make me crazy...sometimes it there sometimes it not I do the thing where you change the options setting and then change it back but that doesn't seem to be doing anything right now and I'm kinda pissed >.>

    p.s. this is not my ramble XD

    I may want to traumatize people I'm not sure but I'm sharing this YouTube - Morning MUSUME "The Peace" parody (Nakai-kun & SMAP) HOLY SH*T !!! XD if I've shown it here b4 then some of you guys know not to look XD but I was thinking about this because I watched an episode of arashi no shukudai kun where they played aibas board game o_O; and sho and ohno had to put the swans on...only they still had other clothes on so it wasn't as bad lol
  3. Kairakichi
    That's okay. I don't like Twitter or Facebook. Don't even like Myspace. They are just going to pass just like everything else. But this is just my opinion so please do not get upset with me. >>
  4. shanna261
    awwww u don't like facebook that was the only thing I had when I was all stressed out. I would go on there and play my games pretending that the ppl I fought where my sister and I would beat them til they died. *Evil grin* no worries I am not upset with you.

    My family is driving me nuts to the point that I lied tonight so I would not have to babysit I know it was wrong and I should of not of done it but what does a girl have to do to get some alone time with her pc.I mean I am 27 years of age you would of thought they would of caught on by now that I a antisocial.

    I have to babysit tomorrow and then Friday I have to go shopping for a dress and a wedding gift oh GOD help me Saturday my aunt is getting married finally it only took 20 years. Sunday I have a birthday to attend and the next day a doctor appointment I just want to crawl in a hole and hide. I don't get too leave for Fredericton til next month but when I finally do go I won't be back for a whole month.
  5. Kairakichi
    Aww~! *hugs* I hope that things get better.
  6. shanna261
    I hope so too u know what my sister just asked me, hey are you coming over on friday which means she want me to sleepover go to the wedding come back to her place and sleepover again because it is her sons b day that I am invited too.So do I get a moments peace I think not.Not with three kids runing and screaming all weekend I think she is trying to kill me I really do. Someone save me.
  7. kumakun
    I don't go on facebook much only if I need to track someone down from back home and what not...

    well I had been talking to someone on twitter and it was kind of fun so I kind of liked it >.>

    ah shanna I hope you end up having a good time even tho all thats going to be going on
  8. Berylcrazy
    Kairakichi! welcome here lol ya i totaly agree with you and the facebook/twitter/myspace, myspace is kinda cool because i could find a few friends i knew as a kid, but otherwise eh facebook i dont understand and twitter....who cares about somebody brushing there teeth or useing the toilet?lmao such a waste of tech, JUST my opioion though
  9. Kairakichi
    @Shanna261- I would save you but I am getting ready for exams. T^T Have one for history and another one for english. I wish you the best of luck with all the chaos. So if I didn't have exams, I would totally save you.
  10. kumakun
    it can be fun tho...when quest crew got stuck in a lift they sent a message on twitter lol
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