aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. nocookie
    @sio chan You might have figured it out already but to do spoilers all you have to do is {spoiler}enter your text here{/spoiler} but change the {} to brackets. There are some places though that don't allow that code so there will be some places you can't use them.

    Or to make it simpler... there is a button just highlight the text you want in a spoiler and press the button

    @shanna261 I just joined the club a few days ago and it seems really nice. Sorry to hear you are having a bit of a rough spot. Hope things get better for you.
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    *huggles shanna* That sucks hun, Doesnt seem fair that because of one argument with your sister the entire family gangs up on you!! Hopefully this is better now? I havnt really been on much myself for the last week but of course we missed you! I love having people to talk to here
    @ nocookie ... Thank you so much for telling me! I was driving my self crazy I was trying to post some stuff that I figured should go in a spoiler (in case it upsets anyone) and I just could not figure out how to do it!! *hugs* Welcome to the group! We are a nice bunch ^^ Hope your well?
  3. shanna261
    guess what everyone I am going on a vacation a well needed on I am going to fredriction yay
  4. Kairakichi
    Hi. >>....I'm very new and very shy.
  5. kumakun
    sio chan you could have asked me anytime I would have told you how spoilers work T^T

    I'm sorta in a better place so I'll be around more XD

    welcome new people! sio is right we are a nice bunch of people...so long as you don't hit us while we are in a lull things are usually interesting ^^

    shanna261 are you really? my family is from there! I used to go with my dad in the summers..cause my grandmas brothers family was still there..tho they came from scotland...but anyways..my other grandmother is from NB too...its been years since I've last been but I'd like to visit again someday*nods*

    hello Kairaichi! sorry you've caught me in a crazy mood so don't mind my oddness XD don't worry about being shy...most people get over it pretty quickly in here...or so I've been told anyways..I'm not sure..
    but we are all here to help if you need us or whatever

    guys I'm happy we should all be worried o_O;
  6. Kairakichi
    Thank you kumakun. And that's okay, there is nothing wrong with being odd. I just hope that I can get over it. Thank you very much for your greetings.
  7. kumakun
    lol no I know theres nothing wrong with being odd its just when I'm doing it its a bit over the top I find it fun tho so I don't really care XD

    so what kinds of things do you like?

    guys its been a long while since I've done one of my rambles huh? maybe I should do one again
  8. shanna261
    Kairakichi welcome to the group
  9. kumakun
    guys I've been spamming poor Kairakichi XD

    look how happy I'm being..it sure has been awhile hasn't it? I'm sorry T^T
  10. Kairakichi
    Kumakun, I actually enjoy getting spammed by people. It might help me over come my shyness.

    No, happy is good.
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