aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    yeah we have tornados here almost every year so most of us can tell..I remember having to take tests on what to do when I was in kindergarten so yeah...once in kindergarten the sky went black and the teacher goes "oh ok everyone time to practice what to do..open all the windows half an inch and go to the basement(the south part) and if there isn't one use the fireplace and if you don't have one of those go to a place that doesn't have windows like the bathroom and lay on the floor...we ended up under our desks going can you smell that? can you? its loud its loud" I dunno there was a funnel cloud that we could see but that one jumped over us and touched down a mile away or something..I dunno but once you know what they smell like you know when to take cover so I was really shocked that people weren't as prepared...its good to cause where I used to live most of the houses are old and have storm cellars and the like...I might have said that b4 but anyways..I guess they did the best they could do at the time..

    Tornado Hits Durham, Ontario | NowPublic News Coverage I don't know if all of you can see and hear that but hes talking about it...he said the lady sounded really calm and its true...my friend sorta laughed and said I sounded the same way...but its only because I knew what to do..I dunno..btw my high school friends..some of them live in Durham...my grandma,aunt and uncle live in owen sound and I'm moving back to grey county...tornados are expected there..its just a fact..if I buy a house that doesn't have a good storm cellar/basement I'm going to have one built...I mean its like I said I once looked out my front door and saw 3 funnel clouds over the field across from my house..was down in that basement so fast it wasn't even funny and once when I was getting the clothes off the line I was like "oh this really smells like tornado weather" and it was...I guess I'm just repeating myself but I'm tired and feel like crap...

    I mostly wrote that out for sio chan just cause she didn't head about it on the news..
    and also you should talk to purplemonkeycovers...she makes soups like that all the time *nods*
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    OMG that is so scary!!! I'm so sorry your facing that - a weather event? That sounds awfull I'm glad you know what to do, I would never know what to do in that kind of event! What is happening now? I've still not been able to see anything about this on the new's over here >.< I hope your ok still *huggles massively*
  3. kumakun
    everything is fine now sio chan so no worries eh?

    I'm really loving this cold wearther
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    *YAY* I'm so glad your ok and that everythings good now *huggles some more*
    Our weather has been going crazy the last couple of days its poured, then gotten really cold then become incredibly warm and sunny all in the space of a day! Scotland where you can experience all the seasons in one day ^^

    Ok ... I'm starting to get an inclining that someone at my work likes me, I could be wrong I actually only talked to him for the first time properly on Friday during a works night out type thing, but since then he's been emailing me a lot and when I didnt respond to his emails today he asked if I was angry at him >.< Which I find extreamly odd and slightly immature, I mean I was working I'm not allowed to respond to personal emails during work time. And then I opened my big mounth and told one of my friends about this odd email in the lift on the way out whilst other people where there and now she and everyone else there think he has a thing for me, which he might but its not anyone else's business and I dont want to be subject to office rumour and I dont want to subject him to any office rumours either *grrr* plus when it comes right down to it I'm not attracted to him at all, and this doesnt happen to me often enough that I know how to let someone down easy without embarressing them or ruining a potential friendship. He is a nice guy, I wouldnt mind being friends with him ... that sounds like such a cop out doesnt it? *sigh* I'm probably blowing this way out of proportion ah well.
  5. kumakun
    no it does sound like he likes you..and its not a cop out when its to do with how you feel about the situation *nods* let is see where it goes with out leading him on and then you'll know where you both stand if you don't want to ask directly or whatever...

    YouTube - Tornado in Durham thats the tornado from durham..I've see that happen b4
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    That is crazy!! I've never seen something like that! Whats it like?, it looks really intense scary but interesting at the same time?

    I would never be able to ask someone directly just so I could let them down>.< instead I'm being nice, spoken when spoken too and I'm ignoring all emails ^^ if he actually 'makes a move' as they say I'll just have to be honest and say no thank you - as it is there's no harm in someone having a thing for you so long as I'm not encouraging any thing its ok right?
  7. mekiYuichi
    i think REALLY BIG AND OUTGOING but i act quiet and alone. i'm loud and open to friend and in my outfits (i REAL stick out with my look) but my voice stays inside. i love computer cuz you can say what ever snf no one cares! YAYAY! i'm only shy around people i dont know.....idk wy....
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello and welcome to you mekiYuichi ^^ I think for a lot of people it can be hard to be open and feel comfortable with new people that you've never met before. Youve certainly come to the right place ^^
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ok I have what is probably a dumb question but seeing as I've just spent the best part of an hour trying to find the answer on the forum and I'm not getting anywhere! How do I post something in a Spoiler tag on the threads? I've never been able to figure it out and I've tried looking through all the forum functions threads but I just cant find it! Please help!
  10. shanna261
    Hi everyone I have not been on in a while I wonder if anyone missed me

    I have had it rough the past few weeks with my baby sis going into rehab and me being the only reliable babysitter. I was totually taken advandage of just last week my sister needed me 6 out of 7 days so when she calls me on the seventh day I freak out on her telling her to leave me the F*** alone which is unlike me, so for a punishment I was not invited to the family bbq that my baby sis was attending the following week.But this is madness asking a disabled person hardly able to walk to babysit 3 kids all under the age of 6 day in day out with no break its to much.

    Sorry about that I guess I needed to rant I usually keep it in anyways some of my friends may of thought I either was ingoring them or that I fall of the edge of the world I am back now stress fee.I also want to say welcome to any new members
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