aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    maybe its not so bad tho...I kinda wanna watch it now *nods* I can't not love snake eyes and storm shadow >_<;

    yeah my teeth..when I'm tired and not sleeping its like I'm continually sucking in air whatever...it makes them sensitive ya know? so I'm trying not to think about it or it'll worry more which doesn't help at all...I suck at explaining I know
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    kumakun!! *hugs* I didnt realise you where keeping upto date with the group! How are you? I'm actually half interested in seeing GI Joe - it looks like a brainless popcorn movie but then a Wayans in it and thats NEVER a good sign!!
    I went to my dentists today, I was right my wisdom teeth have ruptured my gums again, this time on the left side of my jaw so I've to take antibiotics for a week then go back and get them removed after the infection has passed, ah well, thats actually what I figured was going to happen, I was actually going to the dentists to ask him to rip the bloody things out but he has to wait for my gums to heal first.
  3. shanna261
    I think ripping the bloody things out would hurt worse Soi Chan I hope the infection goes away soon. I was lucky when I went they put me to sleep and out of all the six teeth one was pulled and it feels so weird now coz other then my wisdom teeth that was the only tooth ever pulled. After I woke up from that I embarrassed myself to the point of tears. I was still drowsy and the nice young cute dentist told me he does not want me sucking on anything for a week so of course my mind went dirty I went all red and he asked if I was alright. I told him It not fair, what if I want to suck on and at that moment he stuck a Popsicle in my mouth and told me no sucking and I went redder then I was already. I finally agreed no sucking on anything for a week.

    Well I visited my mom yesterday and it was really good actually she made one of my favorites for supper and then I watched her play a playstation game for three hours until I couldn't take it anymore and told her I was sleepy and wanted to go home. All in all it was ok.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    lol, Thats not so bad you didnt actually suggest anything (even though you thought it ^^) and its not like he realised what was going through your head, although he did give you a lolly pop maybe he was flattered? You got six teeth pulled at the same time?! thats hardcore!! At least your dentist is cute? Mines a much older married man with grown up children and he's a friend of my Dads. I maintain getting the teeth pulled actually not that sore its the injection and the fact that I'm awake when it happens and it REALLY hurts afterwards but all in all I think that'll be better than having all these problems with them and the fact that there having such a bad affect on the rest of my teeth I want them out!!! Im glad things went well with your mum, at least your feeling better about it right? Why couldnt you join her playing playstation? Might have been more fun than just watching, or maybe she doesnt have a two player games >.<
  5. kumakun
    yeah I always read everything because I created it ..so watch out everyone!XD no but sometime I come into the group and am going to write something but sidetracked by ohmiya fanfiction and forget..lame I know but sadly the truth

    tornados hit..for some reason they always surpise me when they hit down here..they hit back home and I've actually seen a few but anyways its weird for me when it happens here...and back home where I used to live..a roof was ripped off a building and people are missing..some are kids I believe..no ones around on here and my phone wouldn't connect so I couldn't call anyone..I'm hoping everyone is ok
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm so sorry! I havnt heard anything about tornados are you ok? Whats happening?
  7. Robee
    @kumakun: Believe it or not! I did not go to a dentist for ten years; until last year. Until they started to hurt me. At the time, I quit smoking and blood was starting to flow back into nerve endings in my mouth again. Which started to flare up.

    After being X-rayed and checked apparently I have ten years of tartar build up on my gumline in the back molars and that was it.
    I have no cavities, I lost a little calcium on my jaw and my wisdom teeth don't have to come out. Because they came in perfectly straight. Although she was wondering why an extra tooth (incisor) was not removed earlier in my teens by last dentist?
    Oh well. Bad teeth and colorful personalities are part of the Canadian charm.

    Tornados. Good God I used to live up North as a child. The worst I had to worry about was Schanook Winds, blizzards with -75 temps and Polar Bears. Move South it's Tornados and Muggers luckily Winnipeg is'nt 'Tornado Alley'.
  8. kumakun
    yeah I'm alright sio chan and everyone back home is to..they didn't hit anyone I know but some people were killed.

    I'm not to chatty right now but I'll come back later
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm glad to hear that you and yours are ok, I cant beleive that its not being reported on the news overhere at all! I had no idea that there was a tornado, I hope everyone is still allright.
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm attempting to make soup from scratch without a pressure cooker ... I know that its a really easy thing to do but I've never made soup from scratch before and its a 'random mix' of various stuff I just decided to throw in >.< I'm hoping it tastes ok cause either way I'm eating it for the next two days! ^^
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