aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Good Lord I dont think she's entitled to yell at you for an hour for -ok an admittedly- rather large family discretion but she calls you to say you forgot my birthday and then you feel bad, apoligise and you move on from there and arrange to do something together as a celebration thing ? maybe?
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group* How is everyone? I have toothache >.< its driving me potty it REALLY hurts how is everyone else this fine Sunday? *its sunday in my part of the world ^^ I've spent the morning be-moaning my financial situation and realised I dont have enough cash to buy food and last the rest of the month plus its my friends bday on the 29 aug - overdraft is calling me yet again >.< Plus I need to sort out my living situation *sigh* and on that pleasant note come on everyone, we need to keep the group alive there 200+ members please start posting again!
  3. shanna261
    I have to go visit my mother tomorrow for the missed birthday last month maybe I will bring her a peace offering that way she may not bite my head off.

    Soi chan I know how you feel about that toothache just last month I had to go dentist and get 6 teeth filled and ever sense then my teeth have been bugging me. My teeth are weak now I can't drink any thing hot or cold any more and my gums are always in pain.
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    See I had great perfect teeth untill my bloody wisdom teeth came in since then, my gums have been shredded I've had absyes and had to go on antibiotics and because they wouldnt come through properly on the right of my jaw they ended up rotting below the gum line infecting other teeth resulting in my having to get both wisdom teeth on the right removed and three fillings for the first time ever!! And I'm convinced that the lower left jaw wisdom tooth has shredded my gums again my jaw is completly swollen on that side of my face. And after my rant of today ... ^^
    How'd it go with your Mum? I hope she doesnt let rip its not really fair is it? *good luck*
  5. shanna261
    I feel really bad that must of hurt. About my mom I have not seen her yet but I talked to her yesterday and she is no longer mad at me but I will still buy her her pop for good measure that way I know she won't blow up in my face.
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Actually getting them removed didnt hurt that much just felt a bit odd but the needle they use to inject the anaesthestic is unbelievable! And once that wears off it does hurt but only for a few days after that good as gold
    I'm glad things with your mum are better. Is this you back home now? How are things going?
  7. Berylcrazy
    Hey you two get this, there saying that people could fake DNA to frame someone in a crime O.O ya whats up with 200+ people in this group and only like a few people talk? my group is quiet
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Beryl! *huggles* How can some one fake DNA? It doesnt surprise me though there is always someone who comes up the genius/ horror stroke of criminal masterworks to gain something, I just dont see how they could do it *ponders* where did you read this?
    I know there are so many people in this group yet its so quiet
  9. kumakun
    its funny cause people I talk to on msn are in this club and still follow whats being said (because it comes to our e-mails when theres a new reply)we talk about whats going on in here but never comment...I fail I know but I'm tired and I'm not really doing much thinking right now

    I don't even want to think about my teeth >_<;

    I'm sorta freaked out that G.I. Joe is number one in the world..I didn't expect it to do well at all...
  10. Robee
    G.I. Joe number one...some people have no standards anymore.

    @kumakun: your teeth?
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