aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Well ... hes 22 years old, straight with a girlfriend and has a son from a previous relationship, Its quite funny when we go out places and there are children about the place you can see them stopping to look at him and whispering to each other and getting quite excited and then when he smiles at them they shout "Harry Potter!!" One little girl *bout 7* actually came running up and hugged him once we all think it kind of cute actually but it annoys the hell out him! He actually grew his hair really long once just to look a little different I cant post pictures I'm not sure he would like it that I'm pimping out his image for my forumer friends amusement ^^
    I'm alright tired and skint and getting ready to go on camp with my scout troop leave on saturday for the week so I'm busy which is distracting from some the other issues going on in my life just now which is probably just as well to get my mind off it for a while and then maybe I can view things with a bit of perspective
  2. shanna261
    Hello everyone feels like forever since I've talked in here last. So I just wanted you all to know I'm still alive and kicking.
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey theres no obligation to post here all time (although it is fun ) and we do all enjoy hearing about whats going on in each other lifes and play catch up its great *or at least I enjoy it ^^ I leave tomorrow for camp so I'm going to be away for the full week so there will be no updates from me from tomorrow onwards till sunday next week - if past camps are anything to go by I will have lots to report in terms of injury and allergic reactions (thats just me) and possible druncken escapades - also seems to happen a lot ^^
  4. Robee
    The pets have been fed!
  5. Viccusays
    My mom is coming this week. So I'm CLEANING the house. Its amazing how difficult it is to get dust out of wood creveces. I hate it. I have 3 days to do everything. Wash windows, screens, blast the house with the water pressure machine, clean out the gutters (i think thats what its called) , try & cut the long a$$ grass in the back. No one goes out that far but my mom is forever 'planning' to turn it into a garden so she gets upset when its long---its up to my shoulder now ( shes been gone going on two months now so =0( ) & usually pays someone to do it & since I don't want her spending money like that, I'll have to do it. I swear that grass has to grow a couple of inches a week. (impossible but it seems like it) (it is near water so but still---its a hassle)

    Anyway just thought I'd rant. Today I did a lil tidying here & there. I'm such a procrastinator!!!!!!!
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm back from camp!! ^^ I wreaked and and covered in midge bites and my ezema flared up so I ich like you would not believe but other than that didnt really hurt myself physically as such. I was up till 2am most days and getting up at 5.30 - 6am most mornings so I'm fairly wreaked and the drunken story ... well ... *ahem* since I'm going for full honesty here, I met a guy we got to talking and he was actually interested in one of the other girls there (his response being "I want to shag her") romantic right? But well I was a poor mans second choice and we ended up having a bit of a kiss late at night, in the sense that he shoved his tongue down my throat and felt me up *sigh* why do I always accept being someones back up? He said I was Kinda pretty and thats it? Why do I accept so little? The guys I end up going out with always fancy someone else but settle for me - its not good for my self esteem, part of the reason I was single for so long (other than the crippling shyness) is cause I was fed up of selling myself short and thinking that no one would ever want me as his first choice, so I would go out with anyone who asked me and was gratefull for it. I had the idea that I would wait till I met someone who I liked and who liked me back and then see how I felt about the dating/ relationship thing because I know that its not easy and that the fact that I'm quite shy doest help any. But now I've been single for 6 years and its starting to get a little lonely and the minute I meet someone I find moderatly attractive and he expresses even a minor interest in me and I've completely regressed back to where I was! Arggh!
  7. Robee
    @Viccusays: "Did you find 'plods' of old Japanese soldiers who didn't know World War II was over in your mother's backyard?" Kidding!
    Yes, I'm a big procrastinator too. But if I didn't clean my place up I'd have a 'warren' of dust bunnies under my bed.

    @Sio Chan: It sounds almost like a camping trip from hell I went on in Junior High.
    (minus the tongue jousting.)

    We got lost on the trail in the rain.
    My tent collapsed in the night forming a dome which collected water and dripped on me all night.
    My sleeping bag was soaked, the dye from the bag turned my clothes, my skin, and my hair green.
    I tried to dry off by the campfire; the only pair of brand new shoes caught on fire. So I had to wander around camp for the next two days with half a pair of Reeboks for each foot.

    The temprature dropped and our bunk house became a walk in cooler.

    I didn't want to go in the first place but my teacher said it would be fun?

    I hate being someone else's second choice in life. I should know because I have been the second choice in someone's life....on more than one ocassion.
    I think it sucks! I tell myself I am resonably intelligent, articulate and somewhat handsome person. Why should I settle for being someone's second choice: I deserve better. If they can't recognize the good thing thats right in front of them: that's their loss not mine.
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Nah not really from hell, I actually really like camping just this one instant of weakness and I'm back to square one regarding the potential men in my life ^^ But I agree with you it sucks to feel like the second choice, if I'm going to go with a guy I want to feel like he actually likes and wants me not any other way
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I managed to humiliate myself at work today simply by turning up!! My manager told me to come into work wed - fri this week, fair enough I had booked some holidays for the camp trip and some time afterwards just for recovery time so I came into work today thinking time to get back to the daily grind and I'm told that today is a holiday for me!! And I'm there in work at 8.30am being mocked for turning up! ah well done now I can be laughed at it'll all blow over by next week
  10. shanna261
    I am home from my vacation. And not even 3 hours after I arrived at home I get a phone call from my mother which is very upset seems I forgot to call her on her birthday. So I got *****ed for a entire hour let's just say I won't be forgetting her birthday next year.
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